Minecraft's visual style and selection of building blocks typically lend themselves more towards older building styles. With such a large selection of wood and stone types, medieval buildings often feel more at home than anything modern or futuristic.

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That hasn't stopped people from trying, though, and over the years, some great sci-fi worlds have been built in Minecraft. With blocks like concrete and terracotta adding clean colors, things have become a lot easier for futuristic aesthetics. In addition, players can add a whole host of Resource Packs and Mods to give them everything they need for cool sci-fi worlds.

8 Mountainside Lab

Minecraft Mountainside Lab

Created By: Typehigh

While it can feel more like a supervillain lair than a scientific facility, a massive lab built into the mountainside is an undeniably cool place to live. Players can choose to what degree they want it to dig into the mountain, but this particular design builds almost the entire thing coming out of it.

The clean white makes it striking and obvious, but there's a bit of texture in there thanks to the material being used. Naturally, there's plenty of glass, so players can look out across the landscape, and thanks to some mods, the diagonal edges of the base are nice and flat.

7 Underwater Home

Minecraft Underwater Home

Created By: SheepGG

Typical sci-fi homes tend to involve a more space-focused style, often floating up in the sky as high as possible. However, it can be just as futuristic to have a nice place to live under the sea. The idea of underwater research stations is very sci-fi indeed, especially considering there is still so much of the ocean humans have not explored.

This design in particular only sits in the shallows, but it could easily be altered or expanded for a deeper location. The beacon on top serves as an entryway from the surface, whilst the two main chambers feel wonderfully cozy, letting players look out on the ocean floor.

6 Futuristic Greenhouse

Minecraft Futurisitic Greenhouse Cropped

Created By: F01K0

No matter how advanced society gets, or how many planets they expand to, there will always need to be a place where food can be grown. This goes for Minecraft especially, where hunger is a constant threat that players need to have under control.

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This greenhouse feels like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, where people are starting to colonize a new planet. It'd fit right in with any space base players have ambitions of building, and would stand out wonderfully on the surface of any foreign planet a mod might add.

5 Curved Skyscraper

Minecraft Curved Skyscraper

Created By: HexRegulus

When building a futuristic city, there are some key sci-fi tropes that must be considered. Unless players are going for a more dystopian vibe, then things need to be clean with whites & blues, tall as tall can be, and just a little bit weird-looking.

This skyscraper design fulfills all of those requirements easily. The layering of the glass and concrete, alternating colors gives everything a wonderful depth and nails that futuristic look. Then there's the curved style of the building, which makes it stand out in a city block. It'd be wildly impractical in real life, but the exact thing sci-fi architects love to create.

4 All-Purpose Tower

Minecraft All-Purpose Tower Modded

Created By: PixelDrake

Much like the curved skyscraper, this tower is the perfect home for a sci-fi world, or perhaps the perfect lair for the aspiring supervillain. Either way, this tower manages to look unique and visually interesting, while having plenty of room to be useful.

The mix of the Blackstone with the regular stone makes for brilliant contrast, and the modded orange lamps highlight everything properly. The tower has a striking design, and all the platforms and chambers coming off it can be used for just about everything.

3 Spaceship

Minecraft Spaceship

Created By: MinecraftRepro

What's a sci-fi world without a spaceship? If a society wants to get anywhere in the great expanse of space, they'll need something to travel in, and this spaceship design strikes the perfect balance between detail and ease of build.

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Gigantic galaxy-class ships are all well and good, but vessels like these are fast, quick, and much cooler-looking. There's a lot going on with the design, but it only uses a few colors to make everything stand out. It's the perfect thing to have in the air over whatever futuristic city players build.

2 Mechanical Factory

Mechanical Factory

Created By: DiddiHD

A very big and detailed build, but one that could be done entirely in vanilla Minecraft, although a good Resource Pack certainly wouldn't go amiss. This build has the look of a giant machine. It's easy to imagine all the rings and extra bits spinning around and moving at all times.

The circular nature of the main chamber allows for a couple of different approaches to interior design. Players can split the levels for a lot more overall space, or they can keep it as one strikingly huge chamber, where all manner of massive machinery could be placed.

1 Under The End

Minecraft House Under The End

Created By: Grian

Truth be told, if players really want a base that looks like it's in space, they don't need to install mods at all. Once the Ender Dragon has been slain, just about any part of The End dimension would make the perfect home for anything that's meant to be in deep space.

This particular base utilizes the main End island and, rather than building on top of it, hangs a house underneath. On a server, this would be a great place to hide a base, but even in a singleplayer world, it looks extremely cool to live underneath such a dangerous zone. It'd even be safe from the Ender Dragon there if players wanted to fight it again.

Minecraft is available on Android, iOS, PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.

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