The Bedrock version of Minecraft is notorious for its frequent and confusing bugs, and one popular clip shows how blatant the game's technical issues can be during gameplay. Minecraft's recently-released Trails and Tales update continues to improve parity between the game's two main versions while also bringing bug fixes and a batch of new content, though builders and adventurers alike are often finding themselves coming face to face with some irritating glitches.

Born as an indie game that was developed by only a small team of programmers during its earliest days, it's safe to say that Minecraft has never been a stranger to glitches and technical oddities. The game has seen countless major updates over its long lifetime so far, with each one bringing more and more features to Minecraft's blocky worlds. With these updates, Minecraft has enjoyed several expansions to platforms beyond the PC, with the game playable on practically anything in 2023. Though Minecraft's Java edition represents the original incarnation of the game on PC, its Bedrock edition is the standard version of Minecraft for both the mobile and console ports of the game.

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While both editions of Minecraft are almost identical in terms of features, there's a broad range of subtle differences between the two. The Bedrock edition of Minecraft is generally considered to be a lot more of a mess in terms of code, and one hilarious video posted on Reddit by the user Lal_l0904 puts the spotlight on how unbearable the game's bugs can be from time to time. The clip, which quickly became a focus of the community's attention, shows the player randomly taking small amounts of damage while trying to work on their build. It doesn't end there though, as the player somehow falls through the solid ceiling of their house and takes even more damage after eating a baked potato.

While essentially the same game, the differences between each edition of Minecraft arise from the fact that the Bedrock and Java versions are built upon different foundations of code. Minecraft's Bedrock edition is programmed in C++ while its Java edition is, obviously, written with Java. Mojang have previously made clear that one of their key goals going forward is to improve parity between these two versions of Minecraft, which means having all the same features offered on both editions.

Unfortunately though, frequent bugs continue to be an issue that impacts the experience for fans playing on Minecraft's Bedrock edition. From spontaneous deaths to being locked out of the game entirely, Bedrock harbors so many issues that many fans simply prefer to turn to Java edition instead. Not all players have the same experience with the game's Bedrock edition however, and many fans claim to scarcely encounter any issues with it despite the negative community consensus regarding Minecraft's console version.

Minecraft is available on mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and most legacy consoles.

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