One of the most exciting elements of Minecraft's gameplay formula is the frequent updates that the massively successful title often receives. With every content update that the game releases, even the most veteran fans of the sandbox title are given the opportunity to explore brand-new gameplay opportunities that increase the scope of what is possible.

More and more information is being released regarding Minecraft's hotly anticipated 1.20 update, which is expected to release sometime this year. A brand-new mechanic known as armor trimmings was recently announced for 1.20's content, which brings Mojang one step closer to including a classic RPG feature that many fans have long desired to appear within Minecraft.

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Minecraft 1.20: Armor Trimming

minecraft 1.20

Like most major updates, 1.20 has been the source of lots of conjecture among fans, although an official picture of the update is finally being revealed by Mojang. Recently, Minecraft's 1.20 update was confirmed to be called the "Trails and Tales" udpate, with its offered content reflecting these two aspects of the game. While lots of the update's content involves desert biomes, as seen with the addition of camels and a desert-based archeology mechanic, there is also a spate of decorative new implementations that are set to come with 1.20.

Armor trims are perhaps the most exciting of these new cosmetic additions coming with 1.20, finally adding a much-needed aesthetic flair and level of customization to Minecraft's armor system. Within 1.20, players will be able to discover and loot smithing templates, which contain one of 11 armor trim designs that can then be dyed in ten different ways. Using these templates, players can then apply unique and striking designs to their favorite armor, even being able to further customize these pieces with things like diamonds, emeralds, and different ingots. Many of the different trims reflect the location in which their respective template was found, with many trims being themed around the dangerous biomes that they are often found within.

Minecraft's Armor Trims and Transmogrification

Destiny 2 Confusing Transmog System

With Minecraft becoming more and more of an RPG over the years, the upcoming implementation of these armor trims only strengthens a growing desire from fans for the title to fully embrace some staple RPG mechanics that are often found throughout the genre. The introduction of armor trimming in particular is being heralded by many as a step closer for Minecraft finally introducing transmogrification.

Transmogrification is a massive element of many RPGs such as World of Warcraft and the Destiny franchise, in which there are a huge array of different armor sets with differing aesthetics and stats. Via transmogrification, the player can choose to give an armor set the appearance of another set, maintaining the stats of the first while possessing the preferred cosmetic look of the other.

Minecraft has not yet fully implemented its own transmogrification feature, but it is no secret that many fans prefer the look of certain armor sets over others, yet are currently bound to equipping the armor with the best stats, such as diamond or netherite. Transmogrification also allows the player to turn certain armor pieces invisible while maintaining their equipped stats, meaning that players would also be able to show off their in-game skins while maintaining the benefits of armor.

It is clear to see why many think the introduction of armor trimming into Minecraft is the beginning of a new age of cosmetic mechanics for the title, with the feature greatly increasing the personalization that is currently available to players. If armor trims are to be as well received as many are currently assuming, then it is a real possibility that Minecraft will receive its own transmogrification mechanics later down the line.

Minecraft is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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