Introduced in 2017, the Minecraft Mob Vote is Mojang's player-decided contest to vote in one new mob to be added into the next update. It's a nice concept, as it shows that Mojang listens to the players to make changes to the game. However, it's unfair in its core for minority groups who vote for the losing mobs, as they're left empty-handed, and the loser mobs are seemingly scrapped. This makes it hard not to wonder if Minecraft should hold another Mob Vote with all the mobs that lost in previous votes, giving the runner-ups a second chance.

An All-Star Mob Vote consisting of the losers from previous contests makes sense since Mojang already has the designs and concepts, assuming it didn't just scrap all its files. After all, one of the Mob Vote losers, the wildfire, features in the spin-off Minecraft Legends, showing that there were still plans for the unused mobs. It shouldn't be a hassle to recreate the contest, as the All-Star Mob Vote would follow a similar format to the current Mob Vote, having fans vote for their preferred mob on either the Minecraft website, launcher, or a special Bedrock server.

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The Mobs Returning for The All-Star Mob Vote

Tiny Jens and Tiny Agnes introducing the copper golem for the Minecraft Mob Vote

A potential All-Star Mob Vote would be ambitious, as it would spark discussion among the Minecraft community about which of the previous mobs deserve a place in the game. There are nine options for players to choose from, which is a lot more than the usual three options. Since there are more choices, there should be more votes spread across the candidates, but not all Minecraft mobs were created equal. Still, all the mobs have something unique about their designs and functions that make them more fascinating than another, so some are bound to generate more popularity than others.

The hostile mobs included in the All-Star Mob Vote are the barnacle, the great hunger, the iceologer, and the wildfire. As much as hostile mobs are nuisances in players' worlds, they make Minecraft more exciting and challenging. The rest of the mobs are classified as passive mobs. There's the moobloom, the glare, the copper golem, the rascal, and the tuff golem, all of which have some helpful effect for players to utilize or a design that's aesthetically pleasing to the majority of players. Although these mobs lost, they're not terrible choices, and it can be argued that some of them are better than the mobs that won, such as the infamous glow squid.

The General Concerns With the Mob Vote


Although the All-Star Mob Vote seems like a fine idea to appease some fans, it might meet criticism from fans, as the current format of Mob Vote is under fire for its controversial fan voting. Some fans might even find the concept to be lazy and ironic, as the All-Star Mob Vote would just recycle old ideas that were rejected in their original contests. Fans might also interpret the Mob Vote as a repeatable event in the future, meaning there aren't grave stakes for the losers.

One of the biggest downsides of the current Mob Vote format is that it doesn't retain fans' excitement, as one mob usually dominates the voting polls. The most recent Mob Vote winner, the sniffer, had an overwhelming victory over its opponents. Since the All-Star Mob Vote would consist of more mobs rather than the usual three candidates, Mojang should reconsider having more than a single winner, and allow at least three of the mobs to make it into the game. Not only would that satisfy several groups of voters, but it would also prevent further landslides.

Fans might question why hasn't Mojang just added every new mob into the game rather than holding votes to select only a few. Although it would be ambitious and fun, adding all those mobs would be a lot of work. After all, each Minecraft update doesn't just add new mobs, as there are other features update like biome updates and new blocks. Ultimately, Minecraft is due for a vote that gives old mobs another opportunity to impress players, as they shouldn't be wasted for one-and-done contests.

Minecraft is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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