
  • Minecraft's 1.21 update introduces new copper blocks and structures, expanding the metal's uses and making it more valuable for players' builds.
  • Despite the focus on combat in the update, copper armor and weapons have been overlooked, disappointing players who were hoping for standardized metal equipment.
  • There is still a chance for Mojang to reveal more details about the update, potentially including copper armor and new weapon types, before its release in mid-2024.

The latest 1.21 update for Minecraft seems to set the stage for copper to get an overdue overhaul, but whether its upcoming changes will be enough to make using the metal and its new blocks useful for players will remain to be seen. Since its introduction during Minecraft's 1.17 Caves and Cliffs: Part 1 update, there has been some contention around copper due to its limited use among players. Between specific uses for Lightning Rods, Spyglasses, and Brushes, the unique appearance of oxidized copper blocks, and copper ore becoming more common than iron ore, many players felt that Minecraft's copper just wasn't being used to its fullest potential.

However, the recent showcase and in-game snapshot for Minecraft's upcoming 1.21 update appears to address this, with many new block types coming to the game as part of its next as-of-yet unnamed update. Featured prominently as part of another newly revealed structure called Trial Chambers, various new copper blocks from doors, grates, and lights will expand the metal's use which will be good news for players' builds. Despite this, the 1.21 update seems to have still overlooked one key change to copper that would have made perfect sense given Mojang's claims this next update will be focused on combat and tinkering.

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Minecraft's New Trial Chambers and Copper Blocks

While they weren't the main focus of Mojang's announcement of Minecraft's 1.21 update, multiple new copper blocks were revealed after they featured prominently through the all-new Trial Chamber structures. Alongside other previously underutilized blocks like tuff, Minecraft appears to be giving copper more use after the 2023 Live event revealed several new additions such as copper lights. It's possible that these changes could be aiming to bring copper into line with other in-game metals like iron, as once the 1.21 update has been launched both will share block types from doors, trapdoors, and more.

But considering that Mojang has stated that Minecraft's 1.21 update will focus on combat with the Trial Chambers appearing to reflect this, the fact that copper is an integral part of these structures suggests a much closer relationship than what's been seen so far. For instance, another structure recently added to Minecraft is the Trail Ruins which primarily consisted of existing blocks such as stone or terracotta, while the Trial Chambers appears to be constructed predominantly out of 1.21's various new blocks like chiseled tuff and copper. Despite a supposed focus on combat, the upcoming 1.21 update still seems to have overlooked one major use copper could have.

Minecraft's 1.21 Update Should Bring Copper and Combat Together

Minecraft Copper Weapons Armor

Keeping combat in mind, there was another moment during Mojang's latest Minecraft 2023 Live event that highlighted the key area in which copper still held back even in spite of its new block types from the upcoming update. When showcasing Minecraft's new Trial Spawners the hosts took their time to suit up in iron armor, an armor set that virtually all players are familiar with since iron is easier to obtain while still giving decent protection, even with the catch that the armor's not as powerful as diamond or Netherite. But with the changes to copper and iron ore generation, the latter has become slightly harder to find.

One of the main changes players had hoped copper would receive was the introduction of copper armor, weapons, and tools which would standardize all Minecraft metals like iron and gold. Yet while Minecraft's 1.21 update already expanding copper's use and Mojang claiming it'll be updating combat, there still seems to be a big oversight for adding copper armor and weapons despite having the ideal opportunity to do so. However, with the 1.21 update planned to be released midway through 2024, there is still time for Mojang to potentially change its mind and reveal more details, whether it's an official look at the new armadillo or all-new Minecraft weapon types.

Minecraft is available now for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.


Minecraft is a sandbox video game that puts players in procedurally generated worlds and offers them no guidance whatsoever in where to go or what to do, creating a sense of freedom that was unparalleled in 2011.

Minecraft has gone on to become the highest-selling video game of all time.