Minecraft’s update 1.20 has set itself up to add in new features coming to the desert biome with the introduction of the camel mob. With the camel coming to the game, players are more likely to venture into the desert and seek out the new mob, which adds a lot of incentive for Mojang to add more features to Minecraft’s desert biome. From weather events to a farmable food source, there are many things that Mojang could add to the desert biome to make it a more viable biome for players to visit frequently.

Minecraft has a few biomes that are in desperate need of an update, however, the lack of a food source and a viable wood type in the desert makes it nearly impossible for players to start and live there. This causes a serious issue, as some players will completely avoid the desert biome unless they are looking for sand or simply exploring their world. To fix this, Mojang should consider adding in a lot more features to the desert biome alongside the camel mob to give players the ability to set up their first base no matter what biome they spawn in.

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Oasis and Sandstorms in Minecraft


Adding in oases to Minecraft’s desert would be a great way to give players access to some of the most important blocks in the game, wood, and dirt. An oasis could offer a new tree type, access to a small body of water for farming, and maybe even a new type of food source in the form of a cactus that would let Minecraft players survive in the desert biome. To make the oasis feel more like a patch of paradise, Mojang should also consider adding in sandstorms to the biome.

Sandstorms could do more than reduce the vision of the player, as they could also cause damage over time, forcing players to find shelter immediately. A new headgear that can protect players from this damage could also be added in to allow players to traverse through a sandstorm on the back of a camel. Adding further threats like quicksand, which would behave like Minecraft's powder snow, would make traveling across the desert a bit more challenging, and finding an oasis more rewarding.

Hostile Mobs in Minecraft's Desert


The desert biome could also feature a few new hostile mobs that could interact with the camel such as bandits or a new pillager type. These mobs could ride Minecraft's camels, making them harder to defeat with just a sword and requiring players to either use a bow or get a camel of their own to reach the height to take them down. Bandits could be another hostile mob that live in a new type of structure filled with loot for the players to seize.

Other mobs such as scorpions could be added in as well to give the deserts a bit more life and give players the chance to fight a new mob. They could deal poison damage and even drop some items that could be used for potion brewing or as a food source in the desert. There are already many Minecraft mods that use these types of hostile mobs that Mojang can use for inspiration, and with their presence, the desert would feel more alive and challenging.

The desert biome is one of the few Minecraft biomes that deserves a complete overhaul due to the lack of meaningful content that players can find there. With the camel now coming to Minecraft’s deserts, players are hoping that it opens the door for valuable resources like a food source and wood block to be added to the biome as well, making the desert biome a viable starting point for a world. Mojang has not revealed the theme for update 1.20, so fans will have to wait and see what additional features will be added into Minecraft in 2023.

Minecraft is now available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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