Minecraft 1.20 has finally revealed more features: the cherry blossom biome, which will be added into the game along with bamboo blocks, a new bookshelf, archeology, and two new mobs, the sniffer and camel. With all these features, exploration of the overworld will be important for any players who want to discover the newest additions to Minecraft. The camel will likely turn into the best companion for players to use as they get their hands on the newest blocks and make their way back to their base safely.

Minecraft already has many mounts that players can use to cover greater distances quicker than by simply running, and one of the main benefits of using mounts is that players lose no hunger while riding. This one benefit allows players to explore further so that they can discover new biomes, villages, and structures that can give them valuable loot or rare blocks. While horses have been the most common Minecraft mount, camels have a few unique features that will likely elevate them to become the best mount for players to use.

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Camels and Exploration

Minecraft 1.20 Camels

Camels could quickly become the mount of choice for many Minecraft players due to the unique benefits they receive when compared to horses, donkeys, and llamas. For starters, camels are able to climb over one and a half block-high walls and fences, allowing them to get over most obstacles including slopes and certain shallow rivers with ease. Further, using the dash feature, where the camel will sprint for about 12 blocks, can help get past deeper rivers and holes in the ground, giving them an edge over Minecraft's horses who are unable to move quickly in water or jump over most rivers.

Another huge benefit to riding a camel is that their height makes it impossible for hostile mobs such as zombies to attack the player; however, skeletons, pillagers, spiders, and slimes will still be able to. This eliminates some of the dangers in Minecraft’s overworld, especially since the camel’s dash feature can be used to get away from creepers, and players can also use ranged weapons to take out hostile mobs before they do damage. Finally, two players are able to mount and ride a camel at once, with the player at the front controlling where the camel moves.

Minecraft 1.20 Demands Exploration

minecraft new cherry blossom biome

Minecraft 1.20 does not have an official name, but given all the features being added to the game, it is definitely geared towards exploring the overworld, either solo or with friends. The camel’s two-rider feature will allow players to explore the game faster, safer, and most importantly, with a friend, increasing the number of items that can be brought back by sharing the load. Archeology will have players seeking out suspicious sand in the hopes of finding pottery shards and sniffer eggs, which can give players access to the Minecraft mob that won the Mob Vote during last year’s Minecraft Live event.

Another big reason to explore the overworld in Minecraft 1.20 will be the hope of getting one of the new armor trims that are quickly going to become the most sought-after item in the game. These trims are scattered in various chests around the three dimensions of Minecraft, some of which will require players to seek out structures such as pillager outposts, jungle temples, and end cities. The final reason that players will likely explore Minecraft’s overworld will be to find the newest biome coming to Minecraft, the cherry blossom biome, which will give players access to a new wood type.

With exploration required to seek out many of the new Minecraft 1.20 features, camels will play a vital role in the upcoming update. Whether playing in a single-player world or exploring with friends, thanks to all the useful features of camels, the new mount will be especially useful to locate the other new features. Whether Minecraft will continue to update camels by adding new features such as camel armor or increasing their inventory space by adding chests is not known, but even with the features camels have in Minecraft 1.20, they could be the favored mount for nearly every player.

Minecraft is available on Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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