
  • A player has discovered a faster way to mine resources in Starfield by holding the ADS button while using the Cutter mining tool.
  • This time-saving tip may not seem significant on its own but will add up over time for players who frequently mine resources.
  • There is an even faster method for earning credits in Starfield by using console commands, but this is only available on the PC version and disables achievements.

One Starfield player discovers an overlooked method for getting the cutter to mine resources much faster than the traditional way. The saved time will likely come in handy over time as Starfield is a massive RPG, as evidenced by people like Bethesda's Pete Hines who admitted at Gamescom he had put in around 160 hours and had yet to see everything. Naturally, that massive game world and space exploration element is a major selling point for many fans.

While the game now finally available on Xbox and PC, players are getting to experience everything that Starfield has to offer and discover. With the freedom to explore and tackle situations as they see fit, some players have managed to uncover some hidden Starfield Easter eggs or a little secret or tip that others could benefit from. Mining will likely be a big part of most people's playthroughs as the resources can net players a large sum of credits as well as used for crafting and researching new upgrades. One fan has revealed a handy tip in order to get the mining resources a bit faster.

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The handy tip comes from the internet personality known as DansGaming, taking to Tik Tok to showcase a quick feature of the Cutter mining tool in Starfield. While the device can simply be used by pressing the fire button, traditionally the right trigger on controller or left mouse click on PC, mining resources takes a few seconds of direct laser contact. However, players can cut down on that time by holding the ADS (aim down sight) button first or at the same time as the weapon fire button, typically the left trigger on a controller or the right mouse button. As DansGaming showcases, doing so almost instantly mines the resource node.

On its own, the time saving may not seem like much, but considering how often players are going to be utilizing this technique, the small tip will certainly add up over time. The tip will likely be especially valuable for players who are looking to make some fast cash in Starfield, cutting down on the time needed to mine minerals and resources.

However, if that time saving tip isn't quite fast enough, others have found an even faster method for earning credits, though there is a catch. Following suit with previous Bethesda titles, Starfield comes with the ability to type in console commands, allowing for all sorts of unique codes to be used including being able to instantly obtain credits. It's worth noting that not only does using some of these disable achievements, but it is only available on the PC version of Starfield.

Starfield is now available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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