Selecting an age in the new 4X gameMillennia is a convoluted matter. For one, there’s the question of whether there is a choice to make at all. After all, it might not be the player who chooses the next era, but one of the factions controlled by the game. And while those factions seem to avoid selecting a crisis age, such as the Age of Blood, they also seem to try their hardest to be the faction that discovers a new era no matter what.

This uncertainty can cause some players to almost give up on the age system, which is a real shame. Not only is this mechanic one of the most particular changes of Millennia from its grand strategy game competitors, but it’s also vital for getting better at the game. But that’s hardly surprising: like many of Paradox Interactive’s other games, especially at launch, the Millennia developer doesn’t have very comprehensive tutorials.

Paradox Interactive Video Game Tier List

Not all Paradox Interactive games are of equal merit, and with recent launches in particular there are games that stack up better than others.

How To Avoid The Age Of Blood

A message with the word "The Blood Age Crisis is upon us!" from Millennia

Avoiding the Age of Blood in Millennia, unlike other crisis eras, is not particularly difficult. It’s hard to get locked into this era against one’s will because the prerequisites are quite significant and can be avoided with a little effort. A faction will be locked into choosing the Age of Blood as the only age it can research if they kill six non-barbarian units.

In short, the Age of Blood is almost inevitable if enough factions engage in open warfare. Even then, just having two factions at war with one another doesn’t yet mean this age is locked in. War is taxing in Millennia, and every unit built means one improvement is subtracted from a struggling region. The best way to avoid war is to only use defensive combat units to keep watch over cities, even during a war.

How To Survive The Age Of Blood

Fighting a rival faction in Millennia Millennia

Of course, some players might actually want to trigger the Age Of Blood. Those gifted with a strong army and the will to use it would certainly benefit from the increase in banditry triggered by the Age of Blood, which will be wreaking havoc on all the less-prepared factions. This age also stops warfare from generating unrest and lowers the wages of soldiers, meaning that fighting isn’t just more likely but encouraged, too.

The Age of Blood turns this already difficult strategy game into an unforgiving struggle for survival. To thrive in the Age of Blood, each faction is practically required to invest heavily in the military. This means both creating many army units, especially the new units unlocked by this era, and researching technology that improves a faction’s fighting abilities.

Some technologies to prioritize in the Age of Blood include Brutality, which unlocks some great improvements to the previously available defensive walls and towers. There is also Barbarism, which lets players summon the units Barbarian and Barbarian Warlord as Warfare domain powers. That said, this technology is only really useful if the player produces enough Warfare points to use those powers.


March 26, 2024
C Prompt Games
4X , Turn-Based Strategy , Simulation