Attack on Titan, a Japanese anime series released in 2013, follows the story of Eren Yeager in a world that is under the constant threat of extinction. Titans lurk behind every corner, so the world needs brave and experienced men and women to rise and take arms for humanity's sake.

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Mikasa and Levi are without question two of the most powerful characters seen throughout Attack on Titan. Even without Titan-shifting abilities, their combat skills are unparalleled thanks to their unique bloodline. Descendants of the Ackerman clan are known for awakening their innermost strengths. Levi and Mikasa are two of the last descendants of the Ackerman clan, and, though their abilities are unmatched, only one can be titled the strongest.

10 Mikasa's Childhood

Mikasa and her mother

During her youth, Mikasa was forced to adapt to a new lifestyle after the death of her parents. With no one else to take care of her, Grisha and Carla Yeager chose to raise her alongside Eren in their family home. Many believe that she grew to become the merciless Titan killer she is today due to Eren's influence.

Mikasa is kidnaped by the same group of bandits that killed her parents, and, though Eren attempts to save her, he is ultimately bested by them due to his stature and inexperience. Eren commands her to fight to survive, which awakens her abilities as an Ackerman. She grips her knife and lunges at the attacker, breaking the floorboard from which she lunged in the process. She stabs the bandit in the heart from behind, revealing that, even as a child, Mikasa's power was unrivaled.

9 Levi's Tactics

Levi Attacking The Beast Titan

Alongside Levi's strength, he has a gift for strategy. All life on Paradis Island came close to being eradicated during the attack of the Beast Titan. Stationed outside in the center of a line of Titans, the Beast crushed boulders between his hands before pitching the leftover debris at the Survey Corps, eviscerating the majority of its members in the process.

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With no other options available, Levi took it upon himself to sneak up on the Beast by utilizing his ODM gear. He launches between Titans to close the distance between him and the beast, all while severing the napes of each Titan he passes. Upon successfully reaching the beast, he makes short work of him, forcing the Cart Titan to come to his rescue.

8 Mikasa's Fury

The Female Titan Inside The Walls

During the attack of the Female Titan, Mikasa witnesses what appears to be the death of Eren. Though shock overcomes her for a moment, this feeling quickly passes as she becomes fueled by thoughts of revenge.

Mikasa is driven to protect Eren from harm by any means necessary, but with no one left to protect, anger consumes her entirely. She gives chase to the Female Titan, delivering slash after slash to take her down. A quick swipe to her legs forces the Female Titan to her knees, giving Mikasa an opening. If not for the Titan's hardening abilities, Mikasa could have been the first character in the series to take down what was then believed to be an abnormal Titan.

7 Levi And Kenny

Levi fighting Kenny's underlings

Kenny, or "Kenny the Ripper" as he is most commonly referred to, is Levi's uncle. After Levi's mother passed away, Kenny took it upon himself to take Levi in and give him a semblance of a normal life.

After years of being separated, Kenny steps back into Levi's life to capture Eren and Historia. With Levi standing in his way, Kenny dispatches his experienced team of mercenaries to take him out, but Levi counters their attack with his own. Levi quickly adapts to this new combat situation by besting Kenny's group of assassins, showcasing his mastery of defeating both Titan and human foes.

6 Mikasa And The Yeagerists


Having spent the majority of her life training to become powerful enough to defeat Titans, Mikasa has had very little experience with fighting other humans. As the story progresses, however, she is forced out of her comfort zone and must learn how to best her non-Titan enemies in combat.

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Season 4 sees Mikasa being forced into fighting some of her former comrades who decided to join the Yeagerists: a group hellbent on eradicating all life outside of Paradis Island. To prevent the rumbling, Mikasa slices her way through the Yeagerists with ease. Though she does not want to, her conscience compels her to do so for humanity's future.

5 Levi's Speed

levi beast zeke aot

Levi is one of humanity's finest assets, as evidenced by his incredible agility skills. His utilization of ODM gear permits him to quietly close in and decimate his foes in a flash, further solidifying his strength in combat.

Upon invading Marley with his remaining cadets, Levi waits silently in the shadows and watches as the battle ensues, just waiting for an opening. As the Beast Titan lowers his guard for a brief moment, Levi takes the opportunity to incapacitate him. His speed allowed him to bring this monster to its knees with very little difficulty.

4 Mikasa Never Hesitates

Throughout the entirety of the Attack on Titan series, Mikasa is always the first to instigate the necessary fights. Upon discovering the secret identities of Reiner and Bertholdt, she immediately draws her blade to attack.

She lunges her blades into both characters and, though her attempt at killing them is unsuccessful, her drive to do what she deems necessary is incontrovertible. Her ability to quickly deduce and dispose of threats highlights her intelligence and ability to act quickly while under pressure.

3 Levi's Spinning Ability

levi fighting titans.

Levi utilizes some ridiculously powerful abilities while combating Titans throughout the show. Being an experienced member of the Survey Corps has allowed him to become an expert in Titan take-downs, thus further enhancing his skills.

When attacking Titans, Levi can often be seen shredding them to pieces through the use of an unusual spinning move. This move permits him to spin his body with his blades outstretched toward his foes, allowing for an easy means of laceration. He can often be seen using this method to slice into the arms of his opponents, allowing him to spin upward toward the nape.

2 Mikasa's Combat Abilities

mikasa attack on titan

Before Marley attacks Paradis Island, Zeke spikes the island's wine supply with his spinal fluid, a fascinating substance that can transform those who drink it into Titans at a moment's notice. Zeke lets out a roar that sparks the transition from human to monster, leaving the city behind the walls overrun by Titans.

Mikasa, along with the help of her comrades and the use of Hange's Thunder Spears, defeats every Titan present in the city. All odds were stacked against her during this fight, but her determination led to her ridding the city of all Titan threats. Only a truly powerful combat expert could manage to win a battle with such unfavorable odds.

1 Levi's Titan Combat Abilities

Levi Surrounded By Scout Titans

Levi has held his own against Zeke, the Beast Titan, multiple times throughout the series, but the odds were stacked against him in their most recent encounter. Upon drinking Zeke's spinal fluid, Zeke transforms Levi's squad of soldiers into mindless Titans who forget their allegiances and attack Levi.

Levi is cornered by 30 Titans with no hope of escape unless he decides to fight. With no support, he mutilates his fallen comrades before pursuing a fleeing Zeke and commencing another battle with him. His strength seems limitless in these scenes, and, although Mikasa has similar abilities, she is not experienced enough to take on these numbers alone.

Attack on Titan: Season 4 Part 2 is available to stream on Hulu and Crunchyroll.

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