Mighty Doom has dropped its first season event, putting a little springtime magic in the desolate hellscape that was once called Earth. Players may earn all-new equipment, exclusive weapon skins, and mid-mission power-ups by participating in this season's Battle Pass.

"The Eggaddon Hunters" is a seasonal event for Mighty Doom based around Easter and springtime. The event adds not only whimsy to the battlefield by dressing the undead up in festive bunny costumes and replacing those drab explosive barrels with (equally explosive) painted eggs but also offers time-limited rewards through its Battle Pass and repeatable themed missions to earn them.

Zombunny Horde Event

Mighty Doom Zombunny Horde splash screen

As blasphemous as it may sound for the Doom Guy to ever hurt a rabbit, the Mini-Slayer can make an exception for the costumed hordes of the damned. Under the events tab, players will be able to take on the Zombunny Horde, a 20-stage mission in which the player will face off exclusively against the basic Zombie enemy, dressed in festive bunny hoods.

RELATED: Mighty Doom: How to Change SkinsUnlike most events, the Zombunny Horde mission may be taken twice daily, consuming five energy resources for each attempt. The mission only features a single boss fight, with a Night Sentinel replacing the boss fight typically found on stage 10. This extra healing opportunity, the absence of mid-bosses, and the abundance of Glory Kill targets all reduce the need for the player to invest in survivability, allowing players to spend more ability upgrades on bonuses to fire rate, extra projectiles, and bouncing shots to speed up each room's clear time.

In addition to spawning only Zombies, the Zombunny Horde mission comes with two modifiers, "Elite Zombies" and "Electrified." The former modifier nominally makes Zombies more dangerous, but given that Zombies are already low-level enemies, this does not amount to much extra risk. Electrified makes the Zombunnies more vulnerable to plasma damage, which compounds with Zombies' natural weakness to plasma damage to make them melt almost instantly to Plasma Rifle fire.

While the Plasma Rifle may be the ideal primary weapon for crowd control, the Zombunny Horde event is also the ideal place to try out a variety of secondary Mighty Doom weapons in a comparatively low-risk environment. With the new seasonal quests detailed below, players are rewarded for cutting down Zombunnies with a specific weapon each week. Daily "deal X elemental damage" and "perform Glory Kills" missions may also be completed during this event for maximum time efficiency.

Battle Pass Mechanics

Mighty Doom: The Eggadon Hunters rewards track

No seasonal event would be complete without objectives to advance it. New with Season 1 comes the Seasonal Quests tab, available as a submenu through the Daily Missions screen. Each week, players will be tasked with completing three tasks related to the event, such as killing Zombunnies with certain weapons or blowing up Easter eggs during combat.

Completing each task will award the player with Battle Pass progression points, advancing the player's progress through the seasonal prize track. Progress towards the next Battle Pass reward is displayed at the top of the chapter selection screen. Selecting this progress meter pulls up the prize track screen, in which players may claim rewards they've earned as well as preview upcoming rewards.

Players may earn Battle Pass points by playing any chapter or event, whether the player survives the outing or not. The above-mentioned Zombunny Horde event grants players extra points, which, combined with its short duration, makes it the ideal way to grind for points daily.

Battle Pass rewards are divided into two categories, free-to-play and premium. All users will be able to claim free-to-play prizes they've unlocked, and by purchasing the Premium Battle Pass for $6.99 USD, players will also be able to claim rewards on the premium track. These rewards include equipment crates, unique weapon skins, and the all-new floppy disk power-ups.

After unlocking all reward tiers, free-to-play and premium users will earn ten crystals, the game's premium currency, for every 1200 Battle Pass points redeemed during Season 1. Players may automatically complete any reward tier by paying crystals, the amount of which scales to their current tier.

Season 1, "the Eggaddon Hunters," will remain active through April 27 and will include four weeks of seasonal quests altogether. Quests from previous weeks will remain available to complete even after subsequent weeks' missions are unlocked.

Floppy Disk Bonuses

Mighty Doom Floppy Disk deals screens

Previously unavailable in-game despite being prominently featured on mid-mission level-up screens, floppy disk power-ups are finally available to give players an extra one-time edge over especially difficult missions. Floppy disks are consumable items available through the Battle Pass reward tracks, allowing players to boost their chances of getting positive abilities or escaping certain death.

Floppy disks may be spent by selecting their icons at the bottom of any mid-mission rewards screen. Only floppy disks relevant to the reward offered may be spent this way, so players should wisely consider which disks they're expending and when they're most worth it.

The floppy disks currently available in-game are:

  • 1-Up: Revives the player with full health on death.
  • Sentinel's Assist: Revives the player with full health, increased max health, and increased damage on death.
  • Ability Re-Roll: Generates three new choices on selecting a level-up ability.
  • Ability Double Up: Allows the player to choose two level-up abilities at once (limit once per run).
  • Sentinel's Blessing: Awards the player both an ability upgrade and health refill at a Night Sentinel rather than the choice of one.
  • Mod-Bot Bonus: Spins the post-boss fight Mod-Bot roulette a second time, granting both abilities.
  • Mod-Bot Hack: Replaces all non-ability rewards on Mod-Bot roulette with abilities.
  • Seraphim's Favor: Awards the boon ability offered by Seraphim after a boss fight without imparting the negative curse modifier.

Mighty Doom is available now on iOS and Android devices.

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