
  • Midsummer Studios' upcoming game will undoubtedly be compared to The Sims 4 and Project Rene, so it will have to find ways to stand out. One option would be a fully open world experience without loading screens.
  • If this happened, the game could feature a variety of controllable vehicles beyond cars, such as scooters and bikes, to enhance gameplay and exploration.
  • Other options include the use of real languages like Life by You planned to feature, as well as a vast selection of clothing choices, including options inspired by different cultures and subcultures.

Jake Solomon, more known for his superhero games, has taken a break from his usual genre of choice to start a new studio. The first game it'll release is a life simulation game like The Sims, though it has yet to receive a title. There are a lot of eyes on the independent studio, and players are eager to see if Solomon can recreate his success in a completely different genre.

Anticipation is high for the upcoming game, as players are eager to see if it can compete with the likes of The Sims 4. If the game wants to excel, its developers should consider adding some regularly requested life sim features.

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Midsummer Studios' Game Should Be Fully Open World

The Sims 4 has enjoyed longevity in part thanks to its various DLCs. However, the game has never felt complete due to the lack of a fully open world. This is something Midsummer Studios' upcoming life simulation game can capitalize on this missed opportunity by featuring a seamless open world where players can travel to various locations such as the workplace without encountering pesky loading screens. This would put the game ahead of The Sims 4 and perhaps even Project Rene.

A fully open world was something planned for Life by You. However, the game has since been canceled by Paradox Interactive, which means the idea is back on the table, and Midsummer Studios won't seem like it's copying the ill-fated Life by You if it implements the feature. An open world void of loading screens may be what Midsummer Studios' game needs to feel truly next-gen.

Different Kinds of Controllable Vehicles are Needed

If Midsummer Studios' game is going to have an open world, there needs to be a way to get around easily. Simply traveling on foot isn't going to cut it, especially if there are multiple neighborhoods and areas to visit. Consequently, there has be vehicles that players can control. The studio should stop with just cars; it should include scooters, bikes, and trucks as well. This will be the perfect feature to differentiate it from the other life simulators out there, as players could chase dream vehicles for their favorite characters.

Vast Clothing Choices are a Must

One of the biggest complaints that The Sims 4 receives is that there isn't much clothing to choose from, especially for the male Sims. For more clothing, players have to purchase pricey DLC or install The Sims 4 mods, which isn't always the easiest process and is mostly reserved for PC players. Midsummer Studios' upcoming game should buck the trend and feature a plethora of clothing in the base game.

Developers should keep in mind different cultures and subcultures when designing clothing so that players can immerse themselves in whatever kind of character they wish. Midsummer shouldn't stop with regular street clothing, and instead it should include garbs from different cultures around the world. This is the best way to satisfy all players, regardless of what they're looking for when they design their character.

Midsummer Studios's Game Should Include Real World Languages

It would be amazing if Midsummer Studios "stole" one feature from Life by You. The now-cancelled game was supposed to have dialogue in real-world languages, which would have been based on the unique situations players find themselves in. If Midsummer Studios could include this feature in its own game, it would once again set it apart from The Sims with its funny but often indecipherable Simlish.

There is little known about the upcoming Midsummer Studios game, but it enters a field that has proven to be tough to master. The game will be going up against The Sims 4 and Project Rene, so it has to bring its A-game if it doesn't want to be left at the wayside.