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Players get to experiment with "good and evil" in Marvel's Midnight Suns regarding what kind of hero they want to be. As the Hunter, the demon queen Lilith's child, players join the Avengers and other Marvel heroes on a quest to save the world. However, being the child of the main antagonist comes with some moral gray lines when it comes to the Hunter's powers.

The Hunter works on a light and dark balance system that is affected by players' choices in combat and socializing, so shaping the Hunter into whatever kind of hero they want is integral to the gameplay. Light and Dark don't actually mean good or evil but are where the Hunter pulls their power source. Each alignment has its benefits, so it is up to the players to figure out what works best for the Hunter in Marvel's Midnight Suns.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Activate the Four Statues

What are the Light and Dark Branches

Midnight Suns Hunter

During conversations at the Abbey, the home base of the Midnight Suns, players will notice that most choices have a Dark symbol and a Light symbol next to them. Dark options are often blunt and harsher than Light ones, which are compassionate and optimistic. These choices can have negative or positive responses from the other heroes depending on the situation and their feelings. They also influence what kind of abilities or combat cards the Hunter will have available.

Light Abilities

Midnight Suns Light Power

The higher the light alignment is, the more support options players will get for the Hunter. Light cards cause damage or restore health, sometimes both at the same time. Players will also get access to the following benefits as they increase their light alignment:

  • Ivory Collar - prevents the next Hunter card from being discarded for one turn.
  • Paragon Collar - the next Light Hunter card used is free and does not require any Heroism.
  • Light Suit - provides the passive ability Defender of the Light (Light and Heroic Hunter cards are more likely to land Critical hits).
  • Summon Charlie card - players can summon Charlie to battle for three turns.

Dark Abilities

Midnight Suns Dark Ability

On the other side of things, dark alignment takes a more offensive route. Dark cards focus on dishing out damage and causing chaos on the field, sometimes at the expense of the Hunter. Some Dark abilities will have self-inflicted injury, but they are typically powerful and can target multiple enemies. Here are the rewards for increasing dark alignment:

  • Obsidian Collar - the next attack card used by Hunter has double damage.
  • Renegade Collar - the next Dark Hunter card used is free.
  • Dark Suit - provides the passive ability Dark Champion (Dark and Heroic Hunter cards are more likely to land Critical hits).
  • Annihilation card - drains Heroism to damage all areas in an area, but the damage is increased for every Heroism.

Power or Balanced Branch

Midnight Suns Balanced

Light and Dark aren't the only options that players have; there will be some conversation options that don't have any symbol next to them, resulting in a more neutral and balanced alignment called Power. Additionally, a mix of Light and Dark responses can contribute to the Power alignment. As a result, Power has both offensive and defensive abilities. Here are all the rewards for the Power branch:

  • Balanced Collar - players will draw 2 Hunter cards
  • Bladestorm card - Causes damage and Forceful Knockback to targets in an area

Regardless of alignment, the Hunter will still get many cards, but it speeds things up to focus on one or the other for a little while.

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.