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Marvel's Midnight Suns is an intriguing original story following the fabled Midnight Suns and Avengers as they try to stop the apocalypse. The game features classic RPG features, such as turn-based combat and relationship meters, and a deep and extensive storyline that any Marvel fan will surely appreciate. Since the known characters are only playable in battle, players get to create their own hero, who goes by the Hunter (or Hunter) to not only fight alongside them but form meaningful friendships with everyone. Outside combat missions, the Hunter and the other heroes spend their time training and relaxing at an outer dimension home base called the Abbey. The Abbey is where players work on increasing their friendship level with the heroes' featured in Midnight Suns.

RELATED: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How to Increase Friendship Level

How to Get Gifts

Midnight Suns Gifts

Giving gifts is one way for players to increase their friendship with the other heroes at the Abbey. Higher friendships have multiple perks inside and outside of battle. Much of the world's lore and story enrichment comes from conversations with the other heroes. As the relationship improves, they feel more comfortable revealing their backgrounds or sharing their thoughts freely. When new levels of friendship are hit, heroes also get passive combat abilities, so nurturing these relationships is important for playthrough success. During hangouts, the Hunter can gift items to their chosen companion to get a friendship boost.

Gift items are obtained in several ways:

Not every gift is loved or even liked by each hero. Players must use context clues and knowledge of the heroes to decide which gift to give them. This guide covers the best gifts for every hero in Midnight Suns.

Doctor Strange

Midnight Suns Dr. Strange

Doctor Stephen Strange is a doctor-turned-sorcerer in the Marvel Universe. He spends most of his time in the Forge, researching ancient artifacts and working alongside Tony Stark to make discoveries and update training equipment. He is oddly laid back and has a surprising love for historical fiction. Dr. Strange is one of the first heroes to join team Hunter, so players get a lot of time to increase their relationship with him. Dr. Strange's character goes through a surprising amount of growth throughout the storyline, and his journey to find self-confidence and hope is one of the most powerful to watch.

These are the best gifts for Dr. Strange:

  • Candle (Freshly Mowed Grass)
  • Music Box (Transcendental Chimes)
  • Strange Tales #110

Iron Man

Midnight Suns Iron Man

Iron Man is first seen in the beginning tutorial, but players don't get to interact with him at the Abbey until after the first mission. Tony Stark is a well-known billionaire navigating his impact on the world and trying to avoid making the same mistakes as his war-criminal father with his superhero alias, Iron Man. Tony is witty, sarcastic, slightly self-absorbed, and a scientific genius who works with Dr. Strange in the Abbey despite their apparent differences. All-in-all, he wants what's best for the world even if he struggles with teamwork, so getting along with him is pretty easy for the Hunter.

These are the best gifts for Iron Man:

  • Iron Man Fanfic Anthology
  • Lessons in Leadership by Lt. Colonel James Rhodes
  • Tales of Suspense #39


Midnight Suns Blade

Blade is one of the more mysterious heroes players get to interact with. He is a vampire-human hybrid who managed to get some of the better parts of being a vampire and avoided their weaknesses like sun vulnerability. While he is one of the first Midnight Suns to work with the Hunter, it takes Blade a long time to open up to them. He spends most of his time at the Abbey in the training area, aka the Yard, where players can upgrade their abilities or complete daily sparring. However, the Daywalker has a much softer side than what appearances show. As his friendship level rises, he tells the Hunter his real name is Eric Brooks, starts a Book Club, and alludes to a not-so-secret crush on Captain Marvel.

These are the best gifts for Blade:

  • Music Box (Blood on Blood)
  • The Unauthorized Biography of Captain Marvel
  • Tomb of Dracula #10

Nico Minoru

nico minoru in marvel's midnight suns

Nico Minoru is a fun character and hero to get to know. Her origins date back to the Runaways, but she is an influential member of the Midnight Suns. She plays a direct role in Hunter's resurrection at the beginning of the game and is quite extroverted despite her gothic aesthetic. Nico can be blunt at times but is very thoughtful and fiercely loyal to her friends, as players will see when saving Scarlet Witch from Lilith's hold. She appreciates both Light and Dark conversation choices depending on the situation but will become a fast friend with little difficulty.

These are the best gifts for Nico:

  • Candle (Beachy Waves)
  • Dark Beauty: A Gothic Coloring Book
  • Runaways #1

Ghost Rider

Midnight Suns Ghost Rider

Robbie Reyes as Ghost Rider in Midnight Suns is a wholesome version of the anti-hero. However, he tends to wear his heart on his sleeve and can be a bit reckless sometimes, so he is often the victim of teasing from many of his fellow Midnight Suns. He spends a lot of time working on his car at the Abbey in the Shop. His optimistic energy is very different from his Spirit of Vengeance, but they have a strong bond. Robbie struggles with self-confidence in his abilities, but he doesn't like being treated as fragile or naive to how the world works. He also talks about his family, particularly his younger brother, and his protectiveness shows through when it comes to his teammates.

These are the best gifts for Ghost Rider:

  • All New Ghost Rider #1
  • Candle (Sports Car Interior)
  • Serenity: Calming Your Inner Demon


marvel's midnight suns magik gameplay showcase portals banish drops

Magik is a tough cookie and is one of the more cut-and-dry members of the Midnight Suns. Her real name is Illyana Rasputina, and as a young child, she was tricked and held captive in Limbo, where she learned and honed her magic and portal skills. Eventually, she was inducted into Xavier's School and spent a lot of time as an X-men before joining the Midnight Suns. Whenever interacting with her, players have the most success using Dark conversation choices; she respects brutal honesty more than anything. As the Hunter gets to know Magik, it becomes obvious that she is deeply troubled by her childhood and holds onto a lot of anger and guilt for what happened.

These are the best gifts to give Magik:

  • A Stoic Companion
  • Human Anatomy: Volume IV
  • Nineteenth-Century Russian Poetry


Midnight Suns Spider-Man

Spider-Man is a chipper and bright companion at the Abbey. When he first joins, he hesitates to reveal his true identity Peter Parker in fear of his loved one's safety. However, it takes him no time to warm up to everyone, and his boyish charm is undeniably endearing. In the non-superhero world, Peter is a photographer and university student, but his genius and tech-savvy abilities are why he thrives once he joins the team. He finds a fast friend in Robbie and is often star-struck by how powerful the Midnight Suns and the Avengers are in his eyes. Unfortunately, this is often at the expense of confidence in his abilities. As his relationship meter increases, he drops the quick-witted and joking personality he has most of the time to show a deeper side to himself.

These are the best gifts to give Spider-Man:

  • Advanced Photography
  • Amazing Fantasy #15
  • Snack Box (Fresh and Fruity)

Captain Marvel

Midnight Suns Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel can be reserved or outgoing, depending on who she is dealing with. Carol Danvers started as a military pilot and security agent before discovering she is half Kree, a powerful alien race, and getting her powers. Captain Marvel is strong-willed, observant, and a hard worker. To those she doesn't trust, she can come across as harsh and matter-of-fact, but underneath her military persona, she is very caring and open-minded. Captain Marvel respects and is wary of the Hunter's strength, so it takes her a little while to warm up to them. Nevertheless, she is a fantastic asset and a powerful teammate in and out of battle.

These are the best gifts for Captain Marvel.

  • Burning Skies: Air Combat IN WWII
  • Captain Marvel #1
  • Snack Box (Premium MREs)

Captain America

Midnight Suns Captain America

Captain America is daring, kind, respectful, and somewhat stubborn in Midnight Suns. Steve Rogers, an army dropout with poor health, became the first Avenger in World War II after being subjected to Super-Soldier Serum. The serum gave him the physical abilities to match his mental strength and fortitude that makes him Captain America. He is known to "have a heart of gold" and has an intense sense of liberty and justice. Captain America believes in the no man left behind mindset and is as good a leader as a team player. He and the Hunter have a few things in common they bond over, mainly because they both have woken up at an entirely different point in time than what they first grew up in. He is also the first to vouch for the Hunter as the Midnight Suns and the Avengers leader.

These are the best gifts for Captain America:

  • Growing Up With Trauma
  • Premium Sketchbook
  • Tactics of the Ancients


Marvel's Midnight Suns Meeting Wolverine

Wolverine is very much in touch with his animalistic side compared to many of the heroes at the Abbey. He joins the team a little later in the game after a couple of encounters with Sabretooth. Like Magik, Wolverine is classified as a mutant, so his background heavily features the X-men. While his full name is James Howlett, he goes by Logan, the name given to him by his childhood friend after a bout of amnesia. Wolverine is younger in appearance, but he has been alive for centuries, just like Caretaker. His long life is a key point of conversation for him when he joins the Midnight Suns, and he appreciates that the Hunter doesn't seem to fear him as many others do, so he shows his softer side a lot more around them.

These are the best gifts for Wolverine:

  • Madripoor In Pictures
  • Practical Muay Thai
  • Snack Box (Root Beers of Canada)

Scarlet Witch

Midnight Suns Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch, also known as Wanda Maximoff, is the second to last character who joins the team at the Abbey. She is a mighty sorceress who predominantly uses chaos magic gifted to her as a child by the Elder God Chthon. As such, she sometimes struggles with controlling her magic, resulting in the death of Agatha Harkness and immediate distrust from her partner, Caretaker. Caretaker sends her away after that event, leading to Lilith gaining control over her. However, the Hunter eventually cleanses her of all darkness, and Wanda returns to the Midnight Suns. Her true personality is revealed to be kindhearted, although a bit melancholy. She finds solace in Hunter's lack of blame towards her and opens up rather quickly once their friendship increases.

  • Music Box (On The Slopes Of Wundagore)
  • Passion In The Moonlight
  • The X-Men #4


Marvel's Midnight Suns The Hulk Heroic Card

The Hulk is the final hero to join the Midnight Suns and the Avengers in their plight against Lilith. Bruce Banner spends most of the game as a villain character working for Lilith, so players only get a little time to get to know him or his monstrous alter ego, the Hulk if following the main storyline. Bruce Banner has a problematic relationship with the Avengers due to his perceived control, or lack thereof, over the Hulk. It has given him a bit of a complex, but his scientific abilities are undeniable. The Hulk is OP on the field, so players can enjoy his strength to its total capacity once he finally joins the good guys.

These are the best gifts for the Hulk:

  • The Incredible Hulk #181
  • The Illustrated History Of The Squadron Supreme
  • Dealing With Difficult Coworkers

Marvel's Midnight Suns is available now for PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S, and is coming soon to PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Marvel's Midnight Suns: How To Upgrade Cards