The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the video game industry in profound ways. It's absolutely a threat to the launch of the next-gen consoles this holiday season, but for now both Microsoft and Sony are confident that the Xbox Series X and PS5 remain on schedule. The consoles aren't the only thing that matters for the next-gen console launches, however. Both consoles have a line-up of launch games planned which may or may not also remain on schedule.

Over the past several days both Microsoft and Sony have provided additional information regarding the development of Xbox Series X and PS5 games. As expected, neither company is openly admitting that any single game's development has been negatively impacted by COVID-19 precautions. They both make clear that studios are still taking serious precautions, of course, including work from home policies.

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"Sony is carefully monitoring the risk of delays in production schedules for game software titles at both its first-party studios and partner studios," is the Japanese company's current statement. Microsoft provides a bit more insight in its statement, first making clear that it's "committed to delivering the highest quality" first-party games it's able. Then it also reaffirms that "the health and safety of our [Xbox Game Studios] development teams is our top priority."

Both companies are consistent in their support of studios the world over. Both acknowledge that COVID-19 is highly influential on the development process, but also recognize that the positives and negatives aren't yet tangible or measurable. And, most importantly, most companies acknowledge that the current development environment created by COVID-19 could definitely lead to game delays. That isn't stated explicitly, of course. It's just heavily insinuated.


As comforting as it may be that both Sony and Microsoft are reassuring fans that both the PS5 and Xbox Series X, as well as their games, are still on track for a late 2020 launch, it's worth taking with a grain of salt. Neither Sony nor Microsoft have confirmed actual release dates for their consoles, nor have they announced virtually any next-gen games, let alone their release dates. All of the above may have already been delayed compared to previous plans, but gamers will never know because of the lack of transparency. Both consoles could get significantly less launch games and gamers wouldn't be told.

All that those excited for the PS5 and Xbox Series X can do is hope everyone involved in creating the next-gen hardware and software stays healthy and happy during these challenging times.

Both the PS5 and Xbox Series X remain planned for a holiday 2020 launch.

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