When most gamers think of Microsoft, their thoughts turn to the Xbox line of consoles, or perhaps to Microsoft computer products. It is worth remembering that Microsoft is a company with more stakes than just the gaming industry; it is a major technology company that deals with tech and other tech companies in many fields. It is the company's dealings with other companies that is leading to an investigation.

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The FTC is launching an investigation that will give close scrutiny to Microsoft. In particular, the investigation will be looking at the details of several of Microsoft's unlisted purchases dating from 2010 onwards. These purchases are specifically Microsoft buying up other, smaller tech companies - so small that they do not have to report the details of the purchase or names of the companies to the FTC. The investigation is to see if any of these smaller companies could have grown into competitors. While not common, it is not unknown for companies to challenge the console market, like how Sony originally burst onto the scene with the PlayStation and its long list of classics after a deal with Nintendo fell through.

Microsoft is not the only company that is being scrutinized in this investigation of course. Other major tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook Inc. will also be investigated for possible anti-competitive purchases made. It is unsurprising that companies like Apple are interested in eliminating competition before it sprouts in the interest of keeping products like their constantly re-iterating iPhone unchallenged on the market, but it is not a decision many players would consider a company making in terms of possible console competitors. This is largely due to how static the console market has been for so many years.

Microsoft's inclusion in this investigation is surprising to many, since it has generally been free from FTC investigation ever since winning an anti-trust battle against the government several years ago. This does not mean it has not taken steps to consolidate its power though, as it did when purchasing Nokia to revitalize its mobile phone interests, albeit unsuccessfully as Nokia was dead soon after. Microsoft has a history of purchases made to shore itself up, which naturally includes many smaller companies.

It is not the loss of those companies themselves, but of the possible promise they held that the FTC will be investigating, and it is worth keeping an eye on for anyone who wants the game industry to be more competitive. Despite the controversial and often disliked example set by the Epic Games Store, competition among companies is often good for players, since those companies will sink if their products don't stay competitive. If it turns out that Microsoft has been purchasing potential competitors instead of trying to keep its consoles and games top quality, it will behoove gamers to stand up and take notice.

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Source: Market Watch