Westerns get a bad rap in Hollywood sometimes. The entire genre is written off as outdated and overdone. There are countless fresh takes on the period available. First-time director John Maclean brought the world Slow West in 2015, depicting the harsh conditions of 19th-century Colorado. The film passed through the United States quietly, but genre fans will regret missing it.

Coming-of-age movies aren't exactly a genre, but everyone knows one when they see it. Watching a story's protagonist develop into a new character over the plot can be satisfying. However, growing up in the stolen land of outlaws and angry men can take everything from a developing youth.

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What is Slow West about?

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In the final days of the Old West, a Scottish teenager named Jay Cavendish leaves his home for the first time in search of his love, Rose Ross. Jay stumbles into trouble early and often. He can hardly take two steps without a gunfight breaking out around him. Early into his journey, Jay discovers a gang of armed racists chasing down some Native Americans. Jay is terrified, but a moment before things turn violent, a masked gunslinger puts a bullet in the leader's head. Jay learns that his savior is Silas Selleck, an Irish bounty hunter leading the hard life of an outlaw. Jay immediately recognizes Silas as the most capably violent man he's ever met and his best chance at surviving the frontier. Jay hires Silas as his guide and bodyguard.

Jay isn't a man who thinks ahead often. Rose is fond of him, but her affection for Jay is more reminiscent of siblings than lovers. Jay never takes the time to determine why Rose and her father left for the States. Rose's dad, John, killed Jay's uncle, a wealthy lord, in an argument. John and Rose are wanted dead or alive. As Jay and Silas travel, Silas finds Rose's wanted poster and resolves to use Jay to get to her. He's far from the only hunter using that tactic. Victor the Hawk, a killer in the guise of a priest, and Payne, the leader of Silas' old gang, are after Rose and John. Jay remains oblivious to the price on his beloved's head. It's a long and messy journey with a lot of conflicting motivations pulling the heroes and villains along.

The lion's share of Slow West is spent watching Jay and Silas trek across the open plains. The film was shot in New Zealand, but it perfectly captures the untamed nature and beautiful sky of the Old West. Jay and Silas encounter a desperate couple robbing a store, a sinister traveling writer, and a gang of fast-talking brutes. The film's beating heart isn't Jay's unrequited love for a woman dealing with her own problems. It's his building friendship with Silas. Silas, a brooding cynic whose grim outlook is unmistakably accurate, sees something inherently pure in Jay's doe-eyed naivety. Maybe it's the last pure thing in a world that's only shown its darkest side. From the horrifically brutal to the darkly comedic, Slow West doesn't pull its punches. Viewers will see the world through Silas' eyes by the end.

How does Slow West end?

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Much like Jay, Slow West is extraordinarily pure. For all the fun the film has getting to its destination, there's never any doubt where it's going. Victor, Payne, and Silas close in on Rose's cabin. Victor arrives first, plainly introduces himself as a local priest, and lies in wait beyond their fence. Victor shoots John Ross dead from a distance. Before he can kill Rose, Payne creeps up behind him and takes his life. Silas arrives with Jay, though the boy has suffered a recent injury. Convinced that Jay will get himself killed to protect Rose, Silas ties Jay to a tree as he enters the fray.

Payne's gang opens fire on the house, killing the Native American man guarding Rose. Silas takes a bullet wound to the shoulder and another to the knee. Jay slips free and runs to the house. Rose mistakes Jay for another bounty hunter and shoots him in the chest. Jay bleeds to death as Rose realizes what she's done. Payne enters, only to be shot dead by Jay. In his final act, he saved her life. Silas enters. He and Rose discuss Jay's pure spirit. Silas moves into Rose's cabin, resolving to keep her safe in his friend's stead. They adopt a pair of orphaned children.

Slow West is an excellent entry in the long western tradition. It's not reinventing the wheel. It's just building upon the countless classics that came before it. For a first-time writer/director, John Maclean demonstrates unmistakable talent and razor-sharp instincts. Fans of westerns, Michael Fassbender, coming-of-age stories, or any combination of the three owe it to themselves to hunt down Slow West. Hopefully, Maclean will return to the director's chair soon.

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