Miasma Chronicles is a tactical role-playing game that aims to immerse players in a captivating post-apocalyptic rendition of the United States, where they can indulge in a seamless fusion of turn-based tactics and thrilling stealth mechanics.

In a recent interview with Game Director Lee Varley, Game ZXC learned more about Miasma Chronicles, the game's inspiration, and what players can expect in terms of design and gameplay. The following transcript has been edited for clarity and brevity.

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Q: Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind Miasma Chronicles, and what sets it apart from other post-apocalyptic games?

We wanted to project forward a bit and imagine what a post-apocalyptic world could look like if we continue as we are. If we ignore our mounting environmental issues and leave it to egocentric billionaires to solve the issue, where will we end up?


Q: How does the exploration element of the game tie into the story and gameplay mechanics?

You can freely explore the environments, you find bits of lore, various loot, and characters to talk to. It's also really important to plan your ambush, so you need to position yourself in the best possible way before starting fights. We also have a high degree of environmental storytelling, each location has a story to tell which you can piece together by exploring.

Q: Can you elaborate on the different difficulty options in Miasma Chronicles, and how they cater to different types of players?

Miasma is a hard game, but we did introduce a light tactical mode that greatly reduces the RNG. We also have a narrative mode for people who just want to experience the world and lore.

Q: How do the upgradeable weapons and abilities enhance the combat system, and what kind of variety can players expect?

We have the usual attachments for your guns which both increase stats and add new combat effects. We also have a system where the Miasma powers can be upgraded with special chips which unlocks everything from stealing to shrinking the enemy.

Q: How important is stealth and tactical planning in Miasma Chronicles, and how does it affect the outcome of battles?

It's very important. You cannot just run and gun in Miasma, you need to properly manage your stealth kills and plan your ambushes otherwise the enemy can quickly overwhelm you.

miasma tactics

Q: Can you discuss the skill system in Miasma Chronicles, and how it allows for customization and adaptation to different situations?

Each character has a skill deck, as you level up you can buy skills, and any skills you buy are automatically used in combat. The main difference is that we allow you to refund any skill as you wish, allowing you to reconfigure your skill deck at any time. This is important, as some enemies are best defeated with various skill combinations, so we encourage experimentation here to succeed.

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Q: How does the Miasma power system work, and how can players modify it to their advantage?

Out in the world are vortexes of angry Miasma that Elvis can calm with his Editor Glove. Once calm, the Miasma will bestow a power to the user of the Editor Glove. These Miasma powers are the game's super skills, very powerful and also very energy-consuming to cast, so they need to be used wisely.

These powers can also be upgraded with special hack chips, unlocking extra abilities and buffs, things like adding fire damage, stealing from the enemy, shrinking an enemy, etc.

Q: Can you give us more details about the characters and their personalities, and how they evolve throughout the game's story?

The story revolves around Elvis and Diggs, and their quest to stop the First Family and discover who they are on the way. Elvis is young and inexperienced, and Diggs is his older brother, a bit overconfident and impulsive. Together they will grow into the heroes they need to be, and meet some interesting characters on the way.

miasma combat grid

Q: How do the different companions that join the crew add to the game's story and drive?

Along your adventure, new companions will join your team. Each have their own reasons for joining Elvis and Diggs, but only with the help of each other can goals be accomplished.

Q: Can you tell us more about the dystopian world of Miasma Chronicles and the role of the First Family?

The world of Miasma Chronicles is one that has been changed forever by a mysterious force known as the Miasma. The First Family control what is now left of America and run small franchise towns that deliver various resources to the First Family. Who the First Family are is something you will discover as you adventure through the game.

Q: How does the game balance its light-hearted adventure story with the dark, gritty world it's set in?

It's a very tight balance, the characters need to be serious in the situations they find themselves in but not necessary towards each other (a bit like real life). The whole game is tinted more on the light-hearted side, a feeling of a grand adventure was important for us, but you need that serious side to get across the sense of danger that fills this world.

Q: What kind of challenges can players expect when exploring the game's hand-crafted maps, and how do they tie into the gameplay mechanics?

We have a few puzzles scattered around, but the main core is the tactical fights. They are hard and require proper planning and execution. Just running into a fight will usually result in failure, so scope out the fight, look at the enemy types, and formulate a plan of action.

miasma combat

Q: How does the game reward players for finding rare "treasures" and other items of use?

Treasures give a big XP boost, which is critical in getting the most out of the characters' skill decks. You can also find guns, upgrades, Miasma powers, and lots of different consumable grenades. We also hide some super guns behind extra hard encounters and quests. Let's see if players can find them all.

Q: How does the involvement of the mysterious globe and Elvis's mother's backstory tie into the game's overall narrative?

It's a key component behind learning who Elvis and his mother are, the Glove was created by a group known as the Editors, and learning about who they were and what happened to them is important for the overall narrative.

Q: Can you tell us more about Sedentary, the hub town of the game, and some of the unique characters and features that players can expect to encounter there?

Sedentary is a franchise town, mining Gold for the First Family. You can expect to talk to colorful characters, pick up side quests, and go shopping.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for sending over the questions, and we hope you have lots of fun adventuring with Elvis and Diggs and participating in fierce and challenging tactical battles!

Miasma Chronicles is available now for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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