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As players make their way through Metroid Prime Remastered, they will encounter numerous challenges that must be overcome. At times, these challenges can prove to be a bit difficult, and failure can mean a quick trip back to the last point at which a save was made. Players are thus advised to be diligent about saving in Metroid Prime Remastered, and this guide is here to detail exactly how fans can go about saving their games.

Metroid Prime: Remastered - How to Save

While it is quite common for video games to automatically save a player's progress, that is not the case with Metroid Prime Remastered. In fact, it is not even possible to manually save through the in-game menu, and fans will instead need to seek out Save Stations, rooms that are scattered across Metroid Prime's maps. Fortunately, fans will encounter Save Stations fairly regularly as they explore, and the rooms are marked on the in-game map with an "S" after they have been entered.

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Upon locating a Save Station, players should simply step into the hologram in its center and confirm the save. Once that is done, Metroid fans will receive confirmation that the game has been saved, and they can continue their adventures knowing that they will be returned to the Save Station if they happen to perish. Notably, Samus's energy will also be fully replenished during this process, giving players additional incentive to track down these important rooms.

metroid prime remastered how to save

While players will primarily use Save Stations to record their progress, it is worth mentioning that there is another opportunity for making saves. Specifically, that opportunity comes in the form of Samus Aran's ship, and jumping on top of it initiates a sequence very much like what occurs when interacting with a Save Station hologram. There are also occasions where fans will simply be prompted to save, like when Samus lands on the surface of Tallon IV, and indeed it is wise to make a save in those instances.

To note, Metroid Prime Remastered is certainly not the only entry in the series that uses this save system. In fact, every Metroid game since Metroid 2: Return of Samus, which was released in 1991, has featured some manifestation of Save Stations. Veterans of the franchise should thus be quite familiar with relying on these rooms for saving their progress, and it would not be surprising at all for them to appear in Metroid Prime 4 when it is ultimately released.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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