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Thardus is a boss in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will fight in the Phendrana Drifts' Quarantine Cave. While this may not be the most challenging battle in the game, it does require fans to use an ability that they may not be very familiar with at this point. This guide is here to provide more details on that ability, and it should allow players to beat Thardus in Metroid Prime Remastered without too much difficulty.

To note, fans that are attempting to complete their Log Books should make sure to scan Thardus before getting too absorbed into the fight. Indeed, there is a Log Book entry for this Metroid Prime Remastered boss, and the battle in the Quarantine Cave is the only opportunity that players have to secure it.

RELATED: 8 Beginner Tips For Metroid Prime Remastered

Metroid Prime Remastered: How to Beat Thardus

The key to defeating Thardus is the Thermal Visor, an upgrade that players should have already obtained from the Phendrana Drifts' Research Core. For full clarity, this Visor can be equipped by pressing down on the d-pad, and it allows Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran to target objects and entities that are emitting a heat signature. Thardus is an entity that produces such a signature, and fans will find that its parts glow when the Thermal Visor is active.

metroid prime remastered beat thardus

This glow denotes Thardus's weak point, and fans should now lock-on and fire Missiles and Charge Beams into it. This assault will ultimately cause the targeted area to crack and send out an explosion of energy that will force the player to switch from the Thermal Visor back to the Combat Visor. With this standard Visor equipped, fans should lock-on to the exposed weak point and continue to use Missiles and Charge Beams to break it.

metroid prime remastered beat thardus

This process of using the Thermal Visor to locate and expose Thardus's weak points must now be repeated several more times, and Metroid Prime Remastered players will ultimately defeat it, and earn the Spider Ball upgrade, by breaking its core. The boss will perform several unique attacks as fans progress to that point, and here are some notes on how to address them:

  • Thardus will launch several rocks at Samus, which can be dodged. It is also possible to lock-on to the rocks and destroy them before they are thrown, though doing so will lead to temporary blindness if the Thermal Visor is active.
  • Thardus will turn into a ball and roll at Samus. Assuming Morph Ball form and using Boost Ball is the easiest way to avoid this attack.
  • A storm will manifest around Thardus, making it difficult to see the boss without the Thermal Visor. If this occurs when a weak point is exposed, players should try getting close to the boss and using Metroid Prime Remastered's Super Missiles to expedite the break.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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