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The Omega Pirate is a boss in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will encounter in the Phazon Mines' Elite Quarters. Upon defeating this powerful foe, fans will obtain the Phazon Suit, an upgrade that makes it possible to pass through Phazon unharmed. It is thus very important for players to beat the Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime Remastered, and this guide is here to assist with that endeavor.

To note, this battle is the only chance that players will have to secure the Omega Pirate's Log Book entry. As such, fans that are going for 100% completion should make sure to scan this Metroid Prime Remastered boss before they dispatch it. The safest time to perform this scanning is when the Omega Pirate is in its pod before the fight is initiated, though players can certainly scan it during the battle if necessary.

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Metroid Prime Remastered: How to Beat Omega Pirate

The first part of the battle with the Omega Pirate centers around destroying the Phazon that is attached to its legs and shoulders. While the blue color of this material makes the positions of the boss's weak points quite obvious, players can get a very clear look at them by activating the X-Ray Visor in Metroid Prime Remastered.

With respect to how these Phazon points are to be destroyed, Missiles and Super Missiles are very good options, and they should be fired at a specific time. That time is just after the Omega Pirate has performed its slam attack, and Metroid Prime Remastered players should Space Jump over the shockwave and release the Missile or Super Missile before they hit the ground.

metroid prime remastered beat omega pirate

To note, Power Bombs are also very effective against the Omega Pirate's Phazon weak points, and players that have a stockpile of that weapon should consider placing them at the boss's feet. A fully-charged Plasma Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered can also get the job done, giving fans that are low on Missiles an alternate avenue to victory.

Regardless of the weapon that has been used, the Omega Pirate will collapse, cloak itself, and call forth an assortment of Troopers once all four Phazon weak points have been destroyed. At this point, players are advised to quickly dispatch the Troopers with the Beam of the corresponding color, activate the X-Ray Visor, and survey the room until they locate the cloaked boss. Fans should then launch a Super Missile at the Omega Pirate's core before it can finish its reconstruction.

metroid prime remastered beat omega pirate

A second wave of Troopers will now appear, and it is recommended that players simply ignore them, keep the X-Ray Visor equipped, and hit the Omega Pirate with one of Metroid Prime Remastered's Super Missiles when it has been located. While this assault will damage the boss, it will not stop its reconstruction, and fans must now battle the Omega Pirate in its complete form once again. This plays out exactly like the first part of the fight, and the boss will cloak when all four of the Phazon weak points have been destroyed.

During this second cloaking phase, players are advised to completely ignore the Troopers that appear. Instead of fighting these enemies, fans should focus all their efforts on hitting the Omega Pirate with Super Missiles when it appears to perform its reconstruction. Indeed, players that take every opportunity that they get to damage the boss during this phase of the fight will bring down the Omega Pirate before it has a chance to materialize again, making it unnecessary to deal with the waves of Troopers.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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