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Meta Ridley is a boss in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will battle at the Artifact Temple after collecting all 12 of the Chozo Artifacts. While this battle is quite straightforward, Meta Ridley is a fierce opponent, and some fans may struggle to bring this boss down. This guide is here to assist those players by providing recommendations on how to approach the Meta Ridley fight in Metroid Prime Remastered.

To note, the battle at the Artifact Temple is the only opportunity that players have to scan Meta Ridley and obtain the associated Log Book entry. As such, fans that are going for 100% completion should make absolutely sure to take a moment to equip the Scan Visor in Metroid Prime Remastered and scan the boss before they dispatch him. The safest time to perform this scanning is near the beginning of the engagement, as Meta Ridley's assault becomes more vicious as the fight goes on, though fans can secure the Log Book entry at any point during the battle.

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Metroid Prime Remastered: How to Beat Meta Ridley

Phase One

The first phase of this Metroid Prime Remastered boss battle sees Meta Ridely utilize three primary attacks, and they are as follows:

  1. Meta Ridley hovers around the perimeter of the Artifact Temple and fires at Samus from the air.
  2. Meta Ridley flies directly over the Artifact Temple, dropping projectiles and occasionally firing a laser as he crosses.
  3. Meta Ridley stomps onto the platform, sends out a shockwave, and attempts to perform melee attacks.

The first of these attacks is the easiest to deal with, and it is the best chance that Metroid Prime Remastered players have to apply real damage to Meta Ridley. Quite simply, fans should stay locked on to the boss as he flies around the perimeter, keep the Power Beam fully charged, and launch a Super Missile strike any time that his chest is not covered by his wings or hands. Notably, players that are very aggressive with their Super Missiles during this attack can prevent Meta Ridley from shooting many projectiles or lasers, rendering him quite benign.

metroid prime remastered how to beat meta ridley

With respect to the second attack, it provides very little opportunity to apply any damage to the foe. As such, players are advised to primarily focus on remaining locked on to Metroid Prime Remastered's Meta Ridley, in order to more easily track his movement, and do their best to dodge his projectiles and laser as he flies over.

For the third type of attack, players should begin by jumping just as Meta Ridley stomps on the platform. This will prevent Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran from taking any damage from the resulting shockwave, and fans should focus on getting some distance from the boss immediately thereafter. From this safe position, players can try to unload a few fully-charged Power Beam shots into Meta Ridley's mouth when it is open and then grab the orbs and ammunition that he leaves behind.

Phase Two

Upon getting Meta Ridley to approximately one-quarter health, his wings will disintegrate, and he will be forced to continue his assault from the ground. This marks the second and final phase of the battle, and Meta Ridley will utilize the following attacks during it:

  1. Meta Ridley stomps onto the platform, sending out a shockwave.
  2. Meta Ridley charges directly at Samus, looking to follow up with tail swipes and melee attacks.
  3. Meta Ridley fires his laser, moving his head horizontally so that it moves across the platform.

The key to this section of the fight is patience, as there are very small windows during which Meta Ridley can be damaged. The best of those windows comes during the third type of attack, and players should keep the Power Beam fully charged at all times, jump over the laser as it moves, and then immediately send a Super Missile into the boss's mouth. If this attack connects, Meta Ridley will reveal his chest, and players should quickly launch another of Metroid Prime Remastered's Super Missile at this weak point for big damage.

metroid prime remastered how to beat meta ridley

Metroid fans can also try to sneak some damage in by launching the fully-charged Power Beam at Meta Ridley's mouth when he opens it. This occurs quite often during the fight, and landing a few of these strikes can also make the boss reveal his weak point. That said, players should prioritize defense over aggression when Meta Ridley is using his first and second attack type, jumping over the stomp's shockwave and dodging just before the charge occurs.

metroid prime remastered how to beat meta ridley

Indeed, players that take a methodical approach during the second phase of the Meta Ridely fight will eventually bring the boss down and gain access to the Impact Crater. Fans that used a lot of Missiles during the battle at the Artifact Temple may want to visit Samus's ship and replenish their ammunition before making the trip to the Impact Crater, though, as there is more fighting to be done in that Metroid Prime Remastered level.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch.