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The Metroid Prime is the final boss in Metroid Prime Remastered, and players will battle it after passing through Crater Tunnel B in the Impact Crater. This boss assumes two different forms, and players that hope to complete the game will need to dispatch them both. This guide is here to assist with that endeavor, and players can find details on how to beat Metroid Prime Remastered's final boss in what follows.

Metroid Prime Remastered: How to Beat Metroid Prime Final Boss

Phase One

The first thing that players should do upon initiating the battle with the Metroid Prime is scan it. This scanning will grant a Log Book entry, and fans are free to engage in combat with the shell once it has been secured.

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metroid prime remastered how to beat final boss

With respect to how to approach this combat, the Metroid Prime's shell will continually change colors throughout the fight. These colors indicate the Beam to which the boss is currently vulnerable, and fans should use the Power Beam when it is yellow, the Wave Beam when it is purple, the Ice Beam when it is white, and Metroid Prime Remastered's Plasma Beam when it is red. Notably, players that have collected the Wavebuster, Ice Spreader, and Flamethrower can use those optional Beam upgrades to end this phase of the fight more quickly, though simply firing fully-charged Power, Wave, Ice, and Plasma Beams is enough to get the job done.

metroid prime remastered how to beat final boss

As players shoot these Metroid Prime Remastered weapons at the boss, they should continuously move between the left and right sides of the hallway. Indeed, this simple movement will allow fans to avoid nearly all the Metroid Prime's projectile attacks, and its shell will turn black after certain amounts of damage have been dealt to it. This coloring indicates that boss is about to perform a charge attack, and fans should quickly assume Morph Ball form and roll through one of the channels in the floor to reach the other side of the room without getting hit.

One final thing to mention is that two orbs will occasionally appear above the Metroid Prime during this phase of the fight. These orbs will slowly move toward the Metroid Prime Remastered player, and they should lock on and destroy them with Missiles as soon as it is possible to do so.

Phase Two

metroid prime remastered how to beat final boss

After fully depleting the health of the Metroid Prime's shell, the boss will reveal its core, and players should make sure to scan it for the game's final Log Book entry. Once that scan has been secured, players should simply focus on defense, keeping distance from the boss and using Metroid Prime Remastered's Space Jump Boots to avoid the shock waves that it sends out.

metroid prime remastered how to beat final boss

Eventually, the Metroid Prime will stop its straightforward assault, cloak itself, and spawn a pool of Phazon on the ground. This indicates that it is time for players to apply some damage to this Metroid Prime Remastered boss, and they should step into the Phazon pool to be put into Hypermode, locate the hidden Metroid Prime with the X-Ray or Thermal Visor, and then fire upon it.

metroid prime remastered how to beat final boss

Fans must now simply repeat this process several more times, taking a defensive posture when there is no Phazon pool and an aggressive stance when there is one. Notably, various Metroids will occasionally appear alongside these pools, and they can be easily dispatched in Hypermode or with the help of a Power Bomb. Indeed, these small creatures pose little threat to Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran at this stage of the game, and they should not be much more than an inconvenience as players work to bring down the Metroid Prime and reach the end credits.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch.