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Sheegoth is a boss in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will encounter in Phendrana Drifts' Chapel of the Elders. As with many of the game's boss fights, this one must be approached with a specific strategy in mind. Fortunately, it is quite easy to beat Sheegoth in Metroid Prime Remastered once that is strategy is known, and this guide is here to detail it in full.

Metroid Prime Remastered: How to Beat Sheegoth

Sheegoth will emerge as soon as Metroid Prime Remastered players dispatch the Baby Sheegoths that appear upon entering the Chapel of Elders, and it is recommended that fans scan it straightaway. Indeed, there is a Log Book entry for this boss, which reveals some critical information about its weakness, and it is best to secure that entry before getting absorbed into the battle.

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Once Sheegoth has been scanned, players should get near to its head. This proximity will prompt the boss to perform a charge, which should be dodged, or an ice breath attack, which causes Sheegoth to enter a hyperventilation animation. During this animation, fans have the opportunity to lock-on to Sheegoth and fire Missiles into its mouth, and indeed this is the only way to deal damage to this Metroid Prime Remastered boss.

Fans must now repeat this process several times, forcing Sheegoth into its hyperventilation animation and sending Missiles into its mouth before that animation ends. Notably, the boss will flash red when a Missile has made a successful connection, and 15 hits will be enough to get the job done.

metroid prime remastered beat sheegoth boss

While players that are careful with their Missiles during this fight should have enough to beat Sheegoth, some additional Missiles can be obtained from the crates in the arena. These can crates can be destroyed with a fully-charged Charge Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered, though fans are advised to exercise some amount of caution when using that weapon near the boss. This is recommended because Sheegoth can become more powerful by absorbing rogue shots from the Power Beam.

With respect to what players will obtain upon defeating Sheegoth, the Wave Beam is the prize. This new beam can be used to open purple doors and activate power conduits, allowing Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran to access entirely new areas. The Wave Beam is also capable of dispatching Pulse and Scatter Bombus, enemies that will appear with greater frequency after obtaining the beam, and it is helpful against Turrets and Sentry Drones.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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