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The Wave Beam is in an upgrade in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will earn upon defeating Sheegoth in the Phendrana Drifts' Chapel of Elders. Not only is this Beam useful in combat, it also allows Samus to pass through Wave Beam doors. This means that players that have obtained the Wave Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered have the ability to access some brand-new areas, and this guide is here to detail the specific areas that they should target.

Metroid Prime Remastered: After Wave Beam Walkthrough

metroid prime remastered where after wave beam

After collecting the Wave Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered, players should backtrack to the Phendrana Shorelines and utilize its Save Station. Once a save has been made, fans should use their Space Jump Boots to quickly reach and enter the door leading to the Ice Ruins West.

RELATED: 8 Beginner Tips For Metroid Prime Remastered

In the Ice Ruins West, Metroid Prime Remastered players should immediately turn right and enter the building that is ahead. There is a Chozo Lore entry in this room, which fans should scan before using their Space Jump Boots to ascend. Players that follow this elevated path will eventually find themselves looking at a Stalactite, and they should scan it, hit its base with a Missile, and then use the fallen Stalactite to continue forward.

As fans jump across the rooftops in the Ice Ruins West, they should make sure to take a moment to scan an Icewing Shriekbat in the room. Indeed, there is a Log Book entry for this Metroid Prime Remastered enemy, and it will no longer appear in the game once an upgrade that is detailed in this guide has been collected.

The path across the rooftops will ultimately lead players to the Courtyard Entryway, and they should pass through to reach the Ruined Courtyard. Here, Metroid fans should assume Morph Ball form, enter the two Spinners that are on the ground level, and use Boost Ball inside of them to activate a Morph Ball slot. Players should then work their way up to that slot and place a Morph Ball Bomb inside of it to raise the water level and a series of platforms.

metroid prime remastered where after wave beam

These raised platforms should be used to cross all the way to the other side of the room, where fans will find a Morph Ball tunnel that leads to an Energy Tank. Once that collectible has been obtained, players should repeat the process of raising the water level and then navigate to the top of the central structure. There is a Blast Shield door accessible from this position, and fans should pass through it to reach a Save Station in Metroid Prime Remastered.

metroid prime remastered where after wave beam

After a save has been made, players should return to the top of the central structure in the Ruined Courtyard and use the Wave Beam door to reach Specimen Storage. The Research Entrance is on the other side of this hallway, and fans must dispatch the enemies that are housed within to unlock its doors and continue to progress. Notably, there is a Log Book entry for Locked Doors, and players may want to scan one in this room before engaging in combat.

With the Research Entrance doors unlocked, fans can make their way to the room's first floor to access a Map Station. Players can then climb the elevated walkway to find a door leading to the Hydra Lab Entryway, which must be passed through to reach the Research Lab Hydra.

Not only is the Research Lab Hydra filled with Space Pirates that must be defeated, there are also five Pirate Logs for players to scan. Four of those Logs can be found on the first floor, and one can be found on the top floor. Here is a list of those Pirate Logs, and fans should confirm that they have them all before using the Wave Beam door in the ceiling to reach Observatory Access:

  • Security Breaches
  • Phazon Analysis
  • Mining Status
  • Parasite Larva
  • Glacial Wastes

Players should now pass through Observatory Access in order to reach the Observatory, and there is more Pirate Data to be scanned here. Specifically, fans of action video games can add the Phazon Program and Contact entires to their Log Books by scanning two terminals on the first floor.

Once these terminals have been scanned, players should scan the device in the center of the room to activate a Morph Ball slot. Placing a Morph Ball Bomb inside this slot will activate another one, which must also be bombed in order to activate four Spinners around the base of the central device. Fans should use Metroid Prime Remastered's Boost Ball inside all these Spinners to activate the device and then scan the planets that are projected from it.

metroid prime remastered where after wave beam

From there, players should use their Space Jump Boots and the platforms around the room's perimeter to climb. Fans will find a Save Station once they reach top of the Observatory, and they should make a save before collecting Metroid Prime Remastered's Super Missile upgrade, which is in the center of the room, and advancing to the West Tower Entrance.

metroid prime remastered where after wave beam

Players should now pass through this hallway and use the elevator in the West Tower to reach the Central Tower. A battle with Space Pirates will take place at this location, and fans will gain access to an elevator in the East Tower when it concludes. This lift will lead players to the Research Lab Aether Entryway and ultimately to the Research Lab Aether.

Near the entrance to this lab, players will find two Pirate Data entries that they can scan. Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran will also battle a Metroid here, and fans should pass through the broken glass in the back-right corner after the creature has been dispatched.

metroid prime remastered where after wave beam

In this section of the Research Lab Aether, players should first focus on defeating all the Space Pirates. When that is done, fans can scan three Pirate Data entries, one of which is at the top of the elevated walkway and two of which are at the bottom. There is also an Energy Tank in a container on the first floor, which can be accessed with a Missile in Metroid Prime Remastered, and a Missile Expansion on an elevated platform. Fans can reach this platform from the elevated walkway, and they must carefully traverse it in Morph Ball form.

Players can now drop into Research Core Access and continue to the Research Core. Fans will encounter a series of terminals as they fight their way to the bottom of this room, and they should scan them all to release their next upgrade: the Thermal Visor.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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