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The Phazon Suit is an upgrade in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will obtain upon dispatching the Omega Pirate in the Phazon Mines' Elite Quarters. It is the game's final mandatory upgrade, and fans that have claimed it are quite close to seeing the end credits. For those players that may need some help reaching that conclusion, this guide details a route that can be used to beat Metroid Prime Remastered after the Phazon Suit has been earned.

To note, this guide will presume that readers have been following Game ZXC's complete Metroid Prime Remastered walkthrough and have already secured four of the 12 Chozo Artifacts. For those fans that have not been using that guide series, there are two options that can be pursued:

  1. Follow this walkthrough up to the "Artifact Temple" section, use this Metroid Prime Remastered Artifact Location guide to collect the remaining four Artifacts, and then return to this guide.
  2. Use this Metroid Prime Remastered Artifact Location guide to track down all 12 Artifacts and then skip straight to the "Artifact Temple" section in this walkthrough.

RELATED: 6 Things About Metroid Prime Remastered That Have Aged Well

Metroid Prime Remastered: After Phazon Suit Walkthrough

Phazon Mines

After defeating Metroid Prime Remastered's Omega Pirate and earning the Phazon Suit, players should backtrack to Elite Quarters Access, make a save, and then continue on to the Phazon Mining Tunnel. In this Morph Ball section, fans should make their way to the far right to locate a section of the tunnel that is entirely covered with Phazon. This section can now be safely traversed, due to the Phazon Suit, and players should Morph Ball Bomb the stalagmites that they encounter to reach the Artifact of Newborn.

metroid prime remastered where after phazon suit

Fans should now return to the Elite Quarters and ride the lift to reach an elevated walkway. This walkway leads to a door that can be opened with Metroid Prime Remastered's Plasma Beam, and players will find Processing Center Access and an Energy Tank just past it.

With that upgrade obtained, players should enter the Phazon Processing Center and climb to the Ice Beam door that leads to the Maintenance Tunnel. Fans should then turn their back to this door, activate the X-Ray Visor, and look down and to their right to discover an invisible platform. Players can use this platform to reach a ledge, and placing a Power Bomb on it will reveal a Missile Expansion.

Fans should now navigate to Security Access A, a halloway on Phazon Mines Level One that can be reached by following this route:

  • Maintenance Tunnel -> Elite Control -> Elite Control Access -> Elevator Access -> Ore Processing -> Waste Disposal -> Main Quarry -> Security Access A
metroid prime remastered where after phazon suit

Upon entering Security Access A, players should look left. Here, fans will find a metal gate, and they can use a Power Bomb to destroy it and reveal a Missile Expansion.

Players should now advance to the Mine Security Station, work their way to the side that is closest to Security Access B, and use one of Metroid Prime Remastered's Power Bombs to destroy the metal gate that is next to the door. This explosion will reveal a terminal, and scanning it will cause a force field in the room to dissipate. There is a Plasma Beam door beyond that force field, and the Flamethrower, an optional Beam upgrade, is in the room on the other side.

With this optional upgrade in hand, players should continue through the Mine Security Station and enter Elite Research. There is a large tank in the center of this room, and players should place a Power Bomb next to it. This will release an enemy known as the Phazon Elite, and fans should scan it and pelt it with Super Missiles in Metroid Prime Remastered to claim the Artifact of Warrior.

Players should now make their way back to the Main Quarry and head to the Tallon Overworld South elevator.

Tallon Overworld

After ascending into the Tallon Overworld, players should pass through the Great Tree Hall and Life Grove Tunnel in order to reach the Life Grove, the room where Metroid Prime Remastered's X-Ray Visor was obtained. There is a pool of water in this room, and fans should enter it, place a Morph Ball Bomb on the metal circle on the ground, and then enter the Morph Ball Spinner that emerges. Using Boost Ball within this Spinner will cause the Artifact of Chozo to be revealed.

Players should now return to the Great Tree Hall and use the Chozo Ruins South elevator.

Chozo Ruins

The Hall of Elders is the room of interest within the Chozo Ruins, and players can reach it by passing through the Reflecting Pool. Fans should already be quite familiar with the colored circles that are housed within this room, and they can now use the Plasma Beam to activate the red one. Once that circle has been activated, players should place one of Metroid Prime Remastered's Morph Ball Bombs inside the slot to move the room's statue and reveal a path that leads to the Artifact of World.

Players should now take a short break from Artifact collection in order to grab a Missile Expansion that is located within the Furnace. To access this expansion, fans should place a Power Bomb on the ground below the elevated Spider Ball Track to reveal a half-pipe. Using Metroid Prime Remastered's Boost Ball ability on this half-pipe will allow players to reach the track, which leads to the collectible.

Fans should now head to the Watery Hall, which can be reached by passing through the Energy Core and Gathering Hall, and enter the water. After becoming fully submerged, players will find a chasm, which they should enter to grab a Missile Expansion.

It is now time to set a course for the Tallon Overworld North elevator, and here is a path that players can follow:

  • Energy Core -> Gathering Hall -> Arboretum -> Ruined Fountain -> Main Plaza -> Tallon Overworld North Elevator

Tallon Overworld

At this point, players should make a quick trip to the Artifact Temple, by working through Tallon Canyon and the Landing Site, to scan some new pillars and secure the final Artifact Log Book entries. Fans should then make their way to the Root Cave, which is accessed through Tallon Canyon, and head to the Plasma Beam door at the top of the room. Notably, players will need to use the X-Ray Visor to reveal several invisible platforms that are used to reach that door, and there is a Missile Expansion beyond it.

Players should now drop to the bottom of the Root Cave and use the elevator to Magmoor Caverns East.

Magmoor Caverns

Upon arriving in the Magmoor Caverns, players should work through Transport Tunnel B, the Fiery Shores, and Monitor Station to reach the Triclops Pit. Here, fans make their way to the door leading to the Pit Tunnel, turn around, and activate the X-Ray Visor to reveal several invisible platforms to the right. These platforms can be used to reach a pillar, and hitting it with a Missile will reveal a Missile Expansion.

Fans should now press on to reach Lava Lake. In this room, players should navigate to the side that is closest to Lake Tunnel, activate the X-Ray Visor, and look at the large pillar that is emerging from the lava. This will reveal that the Artifact of Nature is hidden within the pillar, and Metroid Prime Remastered players can release it with the help of a Super Missile.

Players should now backtrack to Monitor Station and head to the Warrior Shrine, the room that is accessed by getting on top of Monitor Station's central structure, using the Spinner that is found there, crossing the bridge, and following the path. Fans should place a Power Bomb next to the statue in this room to gain access to a Power Bomb Expansion.

It is now time to return to the Monitor Station once again and use the nearby elevator to Phendrana Drifts North.

Phendrana Drifts

The Chozo Ice Temple is the first stop within the Phendrana Drifts, and it can be accessed from the Phendrana Shorelines. In this building, players should use the platforms around the perimeter to reach the top level and then melt the ice that is coming from the Chozo statue's mouth with the Plasma Beam. Fans should then enter the statue's hands, by assuming Metroid Prime Remastered's Morph Ball form, to open a path that leads to the Artifact of Sun.

Players should now return to the Phendrana Shorelines and look for a large rock that is near the Save Station. There is ice on one side of this rock, which fans can melt with the Plasma Beam to access a Missile Expansion.

The Ice Ruins East is the next room of interest, and there are two Missile Expansion to be found within it. The first of these expansions is accessed climbing onto the rooftops and locating a Spider Ball Track that moves up the side of a building and to the collectible. For the other expansion, players should face the Plaza Walkway door and look down and to the right. There is an ice wall in this position that can be melted with the Plasma Beam to reveal the upgrade.

Players can now continue on to the Ice Ruins West. Here, fans should work their way across the rooftops, stopping when they reach that platform that is directly across from the door to the Ruined Courtyard. Players should then jump to the rooftop that is behind them and use the Plasma Beam to melt the ice and reveal a Power Bomb Expansion.

metroid prime remastered where after phazon suit

Fans are now free to pass through the door into the Ruined Courtyard and continue on to Quarantine Cave, the room where Metroid Prime Remastered's Spider Ball ability was earned. In this arena, players should use the Spider Ball Track to reach the elevated alcove and then Grapple Beam to other side of the cave. There is a Morph Ball tunnel in this position that will take fans to Quarantine Monitor and a Missile Expansion.

metroid prime remastered where after phazon suit

After collecting the expansion, players should return to Quarantine Cave and pass through the door in the aforementioned alcove. Fans should then ride the Spider Ball Track in Transport to Magmoor Caverns South to enter Transport Access. Players will see ice to the right immediately upon entering this room, and they can melt it with the Plasma Beam in order to reveal an Energy Tank.

Players should now focus on reaching the Control Tower within the Phendrana Drifts' Research Labs, and here is a path that can be used:

  • Quarantine Cave -> Ruined Courtyard -> Research Entrance -> Research Lab Hydra -> Observatory -> Control Tower

At the Control Tower, Metroid fans should get on top of the East Tower and destroy the crates that they encounter. This destruction will allow players to look through a previously-blocked window, and they will see that there are several orange cylinders ahead. These cylinders should be hit with a Missile to cause a nearby tower to collapse, revealing a hole that can be entered in Morph Ball form. This hole is accessed from within the Control Tower, and the Artifact of Elder is in the area beyond.

Fans should now continue to advance through the Research Labs, with the intention of passing through the Ice Beam door at the bottom of the Research Core and entering the Frozen Pike. From here, fans should make their way to the Frost Cave and use the Glider as a Grapple Point in order to reach a ledge that is across the chasm. Players that look at the ceiling from this position will see a large stalactite, and they should hit its base with a Missile to break the ice below and reveal a Missile Expansion.

Players are now ready to advance to Phendrana's Edge, and they should jump and use Metroid Prime Remastered's Grapple Beam to climb within it. As players draw near to the top of this room, they should activate the X-Ray Visor to discover that there is a door hidden behind a rock wall. This door can be accessed by placing a Power Bomb in front of the wall, and it leads to the Artifact of Spirit.

At this point, players that have been following this walkthrough series will have all 12 Chozo Artifacts. However, there are a couple upgrades in the Phendrana Drifts that fans may want to collect before leaving this Metroid Prime Remastered level and completing the game.

The first of those upgrades is a Power Bomb Expansion, which is accessed by using the Glider at the top of Phendrana's Edge as a Grapple Point and then passing through a Morph Ball tunnel that leads to the Security Cave. With that expansion out of the way, fans should work through Phendrana's Edge and the Hunter's Cave to reach the Gravity Chamber, the room where Metroid Prime Remastered's Gravity Suit was claimed. In this room, players should position themselves near the door leading to Chamber Access, melt the ice on the ceiling with the Plasma Beam, and use the Grapple Point that is revealed to reach a Missile Expansion.

Artifact Temple

Players are now free to return to the Tallon Oveworld's Artifact Temple, making sure to save at the Landing Site along the way, in order to battle Meta Ridley. This is fairly challenging fight, which fans should begin by scanning the enemy, and indeed it can take quite a while to beat Meta Ridley in Metroid Prime Remastered. That said, players that exercise patience and persistence will ultimately dispatch this boss and open a portal to the Impact Crater.

Impact Crater

metroid prime remastered where after phazon suit

Upon arriving at the Impact Crater, players should make a save before advancing into Crater Tunnel A. As fans cross this room, they should scan the Lumigek that are crawling along its walls and then climb within the Phazon Core. Notably, players will encounter a Missile Station as they ascend in this room, which should be utilized, and Power Bombs are a great way to deal with the Fission Metroids that look to impede the progress of Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran.

After working through the Phazon Core, players must use a series of Spider Ball Tracks to cross Crater Tunnel B. On the other side of this hallway, fans will initiate an epic battle with the Metroid Prime, and they should make sure to scan this boss in both of its forms. Players should then simply focus on beating Metroid Prime Remastered's Metroid Prime, and they will be treated to the game's final cutscene when the job is done.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch.