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The Morph Ball Bomb is a weapon in Metroid Prime Remastered that players will obtain in the Chozo Ruins' Burn Dome. Not only can this weapon be used to destroy objects that impede Samus's progress, it also plays a role in solving a variety of puzzles and helps fans reach new heights. This multitude of uses makes the Morph Ball Bomb in Metroid Prime Remastered very important indeed, and this walkthrough will detail where players should go after they obtain it.

To note, this guide will presume that the reader obtained the Charge Beam in Metroid Prime Remastered prior to visiting the Burn Dome and earning the Morph Ball Bomb. If that is not the case, fans should follow this walkthrough up to the Gathering Hall. Upon reaching that room, players that are without the Charge Beam should take a quick detour into the Watery Hall to collect it and then return to this guide for further instruction.

RELATED: Metroid Prime Remastered: Where to Go After Charge Beam

Metroid Prime Remastered: After Morph Ball Bomb

Upon collecting the Morph Ball Bomb, and using the ability on a structural weakness within the walls of the Burn Dome to claim a Missile Expansion, players should pass through Burn Dome Access and enter the Energy Core. Notably, fans will need to jump while in Morph Ball form in order to enter a tunnel that allows them to exit the Burn Dome, and they should turn left immediately upon entering the Energy Core.

metroid prime remastered where after morph ball bomb

Players will now be looking at a Stone Toad, and they should assume Morph Ball form and allow the creature to swallow Metroid Prime Remastered's Samus Aran. Fans should then quickly place a Morph Ball Bomb inside the Stone Toad. This action will cause the Stone Toad to explode, allowing players to access a Morph Ball Bomb puzzle.

To solve this puzzle, players must simply enter a series of Morph Ball slots and place Morph Ball Bombs inside them to activate several nearby devices. As with the aforementioned tunnel in the Burn Dome, fans will need to assume Morph Ball form and jump to enter these slot, and there are three that must be bombed.

Once the third and final device has been activated, fans should use the newly-raised platforms to reach a door that leads to West Furnace Access. The Furnace is on the other side of that hallway, and Metroid Prime Remastered players should use the Morph Ball tunnel that they encounter to reach an Energy Tank.

With this collectible obtained, players should start backtracking out of the Energy Core, making sure to visit the Save Station that is connected to the Gathering Hall. After the save has been made, fans should pass through Gathering Hall Access in order to reach the Arboretum. Here, fans must scan the four Arboretum runic symbols in Metroid Prime Remastered to open a door at the top of the room.

Beyond that door, players will encounter the Sunchamber Lobby, Sunchamber Access, and ultimately the Sunchamber. In this arena, fans must beat Flaahgra in Metroid Prime Remastered to claim their next upgrade: the Varia Suit. To note, players that are going for 100% completion should make sure to scan Flaahgra and its tentacle before defeating it, as this is the only opportunity to get those two Log Book entries.

Metroid Prime Remastered is available on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Prime Remastered: Where to Go After Varia Suit (Flaahgra)