
  • Rumor has it that the release date for Metroid Prime 4 could be in summer 2024.
  • Metroid Prime 4's development has faced troubles, with the project being restarted with Retro Studios after being initially developed by Bandai Namco.
  • Fans should keep their expectations in check and wait for an official announcement.

According to a new rumor, Metroid Prime 4's release date could be somewhere in summer 2024. Nintendo first announced Metroid Prime 4 at E3 2017 with a very brief teaser that showed little more than the game's logo. This was just a few months after Nintendo launched the Switch, but now, six years after the Switch's release, Nintendo still hasn't provided fans with any kind of meaningful updates on the game.

Metroid Prime 4's development troubles have been no secret. Initially, Metroid Prime 4 was being developed by Bandai Namco, but Nintendo made the decision to axe the project and restart development with Retro Studios, the company that made the original Metroid Prime trilogy. This decision was announced in January 2019, meaning the new version of Metroid Prime 4 has been in the works for over four years now.

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Now it seems fans may be able to look forward to finally playing Metroid Prime 4 for themselves at some point in the summer of 2024. This is according to Nintendo leaker Zippo, who has a spotty track record but has made accurate predictions in the past. According to Zippo, Nintendo will not be showing off the game until it is in a "near complete state," but that when it is revealed to the public, it will come with a release date.

metroid prime 4 logo

Zippo added that Metroid Prime 4 is believed to be the last major release for the Switch ahead of the successor console's launch. If so, a summer 2024 release window would make a lot of sense. Of course, fans should take this information with a massive grain of salt. While a summer 2024 release window for Metroid Prime 4 would make sense, it's best fans keep their expectations in check and wait for an official announcement.

Rumor has it that there may be some other Metroid Prime games to look forward to between now and when Metroid Prime 4 launches, whenever that may be. Metroid Prime Remastered released earlier this year to rave reviews to help tide fans over, and reputable insiders have suggested that Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption could be coming to the Nintendo Switch as well. Again, nothing official has been announced, and so there's always a chance that the other classic Metroid Prime games won't be coming to the Switch.

As for when potential Metroid Prime announcements could come, rumor has it that Nintendo is preparing a Nintendo Direct event for some time this month, even after it just hosted a Super Mario Bros. Wonder-focused Direct. Time will tell if there's truth to any of these rumors, so fans should hang tight and see what happens.

Metroid Prime 4 is in development for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Prime 4 is Starting to Feel Like Nintendo's Red-Headed Stepchild

Source: Zippo