When Nintendo announced Metroid Prime 4 at E3 2017, it was one of the biggest reveals of the event and fans of the franchise were incredibly excited about the confirmation of a new game. However, Nintendo declined to reveal much about Metroid Prime 4, including confirmation of which studio is developing the game.

With Nintendo yet to confirm which studio is working Metroid Prime 4, there has been much speculation that Bandai Namco is leading the game's development. Nintendo-focused journalist Marcus Sellars previously claimed that Bandai Namco is working on the game and this has been backed up by new sources who have spoken to Eurogamer. Eurogamer's own report on the matter confirms that Bandai Namco Studios Singapore is leading the development of the game in collaboration with Nintendo.

The report also points to the professional profiles of several Bandai Namco Studios Singapore employees. LinkedIn pages for several of the developers mention "secret" games and "unannounced" projects, including a game that will be exclusive to the Nintendo Switch.

These same LinkedIn pages also revealed that Namco Bandai Studios Singapore is developing Ridge Racer 8 exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. Sellars' report from two months ago stated that Bandai Namco is working on multiple Nintendo Switch exclusives and that these would be announced soon and the LinkedIn listings appear to be in line with that.

Metroid Prime 4 Now In Development for Switch - Metroid Prime 4 logo

Although some Metroid fans will be disappointed to learn that (Metroid Prime Trilogy developer) Retro Studios isn't working on the game, to its credit, Bandai Namco does have a history of creating major Nintendo games. The third-party company developed Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS, indicating that Nintendo has a lot of faith in the company. Nintendo must believe in the Singapore studio's ability to create a brilliant game if it is entrusting it with something as anticipated as Metroid Prime 4.

It's understandable if Metroid Prime fans still aren't convinced, however. Many fans will be waiting to see the game in action before they believe in Bandai Namco Studios Singapore. According to separate rumors, Nintendo is planning a major Nintendo Direct event for sometime this month. Could Nintendo use this event to reveal some Metroid Prime 4 gameplay and to provide fans with their first taste of the game in action? And could Bandai Namco's other Nintendo Switch exclusive games be revealed here too? Only time will tell so watch this space.

Metroid Prime 4  is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch.Source: Eurogamer