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While exploring the Extras section in Metroid Dread's menu, players will likely notice a bunch of empty slots where it looks like unlockables will be located after meeting certain criteria, however, these criteria are not mentioned anywhere in the menu or even in-game.

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As such, this could leave gamers scratching their heads about how to unlock the pieces of art found in Metroid Dread's Chozo Archives gallery. The concept is quite simple: to unlock each piece of art in Metroid Dread, players will have to get 100% completion in each region of the game--that is to say that one will need to collect every upgrade, Missile Tank, Energy Part, and more in all regions that can be explored. Each piece of art is tied to a specific region, however, it is also not mentioned which landscape-style digital poster it tied to which region. As such, players will have to simply explore every possibility.

metroid dread chozo archive artaria

The first piece of art that can be unlocked is tied to the first region that players encounter in the game: Artaria. It should be mentioned that all Chozo Archives pieces of art are arranged in the gallery menu in the order that players would encounter the region needed to get 100% to unlock. For example, the slot in the top left of the Chozo Archives, the "first" slot, will hold the piece of art for Artaria after the player gets 100% completion in that region.

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This piece of art depicts a fascinating scene: Raven Beak seemingly taking down one of the indestructible E.M.M.I robots. His arm cannon is smoking with purple energy, similar to what he uses in the boss fight against him near the end of the game, making it clear that he just took a shot at the fearsome metal fiend...and it worked. Since these machines are treated as nearly unstoppable forces when encountered by Samus, this art piece can put the final boss' power into perspective.

metroid dread chozo archive art gallery cataris

The next piece of art is unlocked by getting 100% completion in Cataris--the lava-filled hellscape that is home to the fearsome Kraid boss. Appropriately, the boss gets depicted in this addition to Chozo Archives, however, in a less dominating appearance than their boss fight against Samus.

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Here, the huge beast native to Planet ZDR is being swarmed and overwhelmed by Chozo Soldiers who are seemingly under Raven Beak's command (based on their appearance and armor). It looks like they are attempting to subdue Kraid in order to use them as part of Raven Beak's sinister plan.

metroid dread chozo archive art dairon

Here, in the art piece unlocked by getting 100% completion in the Dairon region, is another boss from the game--but in a previous form than what Samus encounters in-game. Players may at first find it hard to distinguish which boss this is due to the vast size difference and some pink liquid obscuring some of their form, however, upon closer inspection, there's no doubt that the beast depicted is Experiment No. Z-57 in a smaller stage of life.

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Experiment No. Z-57 is found and fought in Cataris, however, prior to their boss fight being unlocked, players can find many hints of them while exploring Dairon. Players can even spot a fully-grown Experiment No. Z-57 lying on the ground in the background of an area before they later disappear to show up in Cataris for their boss encounter with Samus.

metroid dread chozo archive art burenia

In a brutal example of the effect of the war between the different factions of the Chozo, players can see a gruesome scene where the Mawkin--Raven Beak's faction--are pushing non-Mawkin Chozo into the jaws of some underwater horror. Based on the setting of this piece (which is unlocked by getting 100% completion in Burenia), as well as the parts of the beast from below that are visible, it seems very likely that this art is depicting Chozo being fed to the boss Drogyga from Burenia.

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While many players consider Drogyga to be the easiest boss in the game, the unfortunate prisoner Chozo being fed to it likely have a very different opinion. Hopefully, their end was swift and painless, though, players can get a sense of satisfaction when thinking about how they avenged these executed individuals after Samus slays this boss once and for all.

metroid dread chozo archive art ghavoran

In this piece, which is unlocked after getting 100% completion in Ghavoran, players can see the familiar form of the boss Corpius, though, they are under the heel of Raven Beak's forces.

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However, it is not clear whether this is the same beast that the player fights in Artaria or another individual of the same species. The fiend being stood upon by a triumphant Chozo warrior could very well be dead--or simply unconscious.

metroid dread chozo archive art elum

Players are likely familiar with the multiple Chozo soldier mini-bosses that can be encountered around Planet ZDR, as they show up I'm multiple areas. They often wield a mix of arm cannons, energy blades, spears, and shields; making them formidable adversaries. Though, in their second phase, they become horrid sludge-spewing abominations.

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In this piece of art unlocked after getting 100% completion in Elun, players will get to see the transformation from a different perspective. Usually, in battle, players don't get a chance to appreciate the sinister meaning behind the transformation, however, here, one can see how terrible it is. A soldier seems to be in the process of turning into a beastly state, with other soldiers looking on in fright, however, Raven Beak stands by, watching--stoic as ever. This makes it seem like Raven Beak has no issues turning his soldiers into mindless monsters of war.

metroid dread chozo archive art ferenia

Here, one can get a look into some more behind-the-scenes operations of Raven Beak as he meets with a Chozo scientist of some sort to discuss E.M.M.I. robots. In the various smaller holographic screens around the E.M.M.I. robot's form, gamers can spy images of Samus' face as well as other data, including the mention of an "Exelion Star Corporation".

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It is heavily implied that the Exelion Star Corporation not only built the E.M.M.I. robots but are also part of the Galactic Federation--the main ruling government in the Metroid universe. Furthermore, due to the DNA double helix also being on-screen, it's implied that this scene is also depicting when Raven Beak programmed the E.M.M.I. robots to hunt down Samus.

metroid dread chozo archive gallery art hanubia

In the last piece of art that can be unlocked the usual way, this time by getting 100% completion in Hanubia, players will find an image of an elite Chozo soldier standing proudly before a crowd of their fellow soldiers. There isn't too much going on in this one besides a few individuals hanging out in the rain...unless one looks into the background.

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In the left half of this piece, above the wavering flag of the golden Chozo soldier, players can spy a mysterious figure in a cloak standing upon a building in the background. It's not clear who they are or what their motives may be, however, the spear they carry seems to be different from the ones that the Chozo soldiers use.

metroid dread chozo gallery art 9

As the player's final reward for obtaining every item in the game, they get this beautiful work. It depicts Samus in the classic version of her suit along with a whole host of fascinating individuals.

There is an E.M.M.I. robot nearby, as well as Raven Beak in the background, though, there are plenty of references to older games in the Metroid franchise, such as some actual Metroids, bosses from previous titles, and even the mysterious and deadly recurring franchise antagonist: Ridley, the space dragon pirate captain.

Metroid Dread is available on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Complete Guide & Walkthrough