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Though not exactly the most challenging boss in Metroid Dread, the Robot Chozo Soldier is certainly no walk in the park either. It's able to dish out a lot of damage in a very short amount of time and is one of very few enemies in the game that can move as quickly as Samus. It should therefore go without saying that taking on two of these rapid robots at once is not at all easy.

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Players will come up against the Twin Robot Chozo Soldier enemies on a few separate occasions during their playthrough of Metroid Dread. Beating them will require a little bit of planning, particularly when it comes to avoiding their powerful attacks. Thankfully, the rooms in which the battles take place are some of the largest in the game and provide players with a bit more room to maneuver.

Where to Find the Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers


Much like the individual Robot Chozo Soldiers, players will square off against the twins on two separate occasions. The first of these battles comes in the Ferenia region almost immediately after players have defeated the Escue boss, with players simply needing to head west through the E.M.M.I. patrolled zone in order to find them.


The second encounter is actually optional and takes place a few hours later in Burenia. To reach it, players will need to return to the underwater area in the southeastern corner of the region after obtaining the Power Bomb from the final E.M.M.I. or ride the nearby elevator up from Artaria after getting the Screw Attack. From there, it's simply a case of heading to the top of the room with the high ceiling and through the Morph Ball tunnel.

How to Beat the Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers


When it comes to dishing out damage, the Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers are identical to their solo counterparts, meaning that they have access to the same four moves. What makes these battles so much more difficult is that players will need to contend with two of them at once, which can make dodging their attacks a whole lot more challenging.


Thankfully, the soldiers also suffer from the same weaknesses, meaning that players can exploit the verticality of the battle area in order to put some distance between themselves and their foes. The high ceilings, in particular, make it a lot easier for players to jump and Flash Shift straight over the soldiers, while the length of the room can also work in players' favor.


When it comes to dealing damage, players should utilize the Storm Missile, which they just so happen to acquire right before the first showdown with the Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers. By holding down the R button as they evade their pursuers, players can quickly turn and lock onto them shortly before peppering them with missiles.


In the first Twin Robot Chozo Soldier fight, it's best to focus on taking down one of the soldiers before the other. Though this is partly due to it being easier to tackle a single enemy, there's something else that needs to be taken into account, more so if players haven't been collecting missile tanks or enter the fight with a reduced supply.


Storm Missiles will consume three of Samus' missile ammo, meaning that it's a lot easier to run out when using them repeatedly. Players will get a decent amount back for each of the soldiers that they kill though, so by first focussing on a single enemy, they greatly decrease the chances that they'll run out of missiles before the end of the fight.


Just like the solo Robot Chozo Soldiers, the twins will eventually explode once players have dealt enough damage. As mentioned above, they'll each leave behind a healthy supply of missiles when they do so, as well as some health. Those hoping for a more substantial reward for their efforts will be left bitterly disappointed, though players do find the space jump not long after the first encounter.

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