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As well as the many larger-than-life bosses that players will encounter in Metroid Dread, there are also a handful of smaller, more manageable foes for Samus to sink her teeth into. These enemies will typically show up at multiple points throughout the game and help to keep players on their toes as they explore the depths of Planet ZDR.

RELATED: Metroid Dread: How to Beat the Golzuna Boss in Ghavoran

The first such enemy in Metroid Dread is the Robot Chozo Soldier, which players will initially run into in Ferenia as they approach the planet's surface. This fast-moving fighter has the potential to cause players some serious problems if they don't know what they're doing. With the right strategy, however, it's actually a fairly simple enemy for Samus to overcome.

Where to Find the Robot Chozo Soldier


Players will encounter the Robot Choso Solider on two separate occasions, the first of which takes place in the Ferenia region. The battle occurs in the southeastern corner of the map immediately after the cutscene in which Samus and the player first learn about Raven Beak's sinister plan and will probably take most players a couple of attempts to overcome.


The second encounter takes place shortly after Samus arrives in Ghavoran for the first time roughly one hour later. Players will first need to beat Drogyga in Burenia, however, after which they'll find an elevator that takes them up to the new region. From there, it's a simple case of following the linear path in front of them until the mini-boss shows up.

How to Beat the Robot Chozo Soldier


The Robot Chozo Soldier has four main attacks, two of which involve the use of its Arm Cannon. The first such attack is a single, fast-moving charged shot that players can dodge either by jumping over it or sliding beneath it. The second sees the soldier firing three slower-moving shots that can again be dodged either with jumps or well-timed slides.


The boss' two remaining attacks involve the soldier lunging forward towards Samus. The more powerful version of these sees the soldier glowing with red energy before it strikes and should be avoided at all costs with a combination of jumps and Flash Shifts. The weaker version can be countered though, which will provide players with a few valuable seconds to get in some easy, unchallenged attacks.


The Robot Chozo Soldier can be damaged with either missiles or charged shots, though the former will deal considerably more damage and so is definitely the way to go. Players should be sure to use the large size of the battle areas to their advantage during both fights as well, as although the soldier can move incredibly quickly across flat surfaces, it struggles with verticality quite a bit.


Those who are confident in their ability to successfully trigger counters may want to take the soldier on head-on. For most players though, the best strategy will be to put as much distance between themselves and the soldier as possible and then pelt it with missiles as it tries to close the gap. Granted, this approach will take a little longer, but it's definitely the safer of the two.


Once enough damage has been dealt, the Robot Chozo Soldier will begin to glow with white energy before eventually exploding into a large ball of flames. Sadly, players won't be treated to any new items or upgrades following their victories, though they will at least get some missiles and health drops to replenish Samus' stocks.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Complete Guide & Walkthrough