Although it was initially announced way in the mid-2000s for Nintendo DS, Metroid Dread was cancelled due to technical limitations. Then, the title was revealed once more at Nintendo's E3 2021 showcase, set for release a few months later. Although there had been rumors of a new 2D Metroid game leading up to this, few could have anticipated the surprise of which Metroid game was coming. To see a project long thought dead be revived is something of a miracle, and an exciting treat for long-time fans.

Unlike Super Mario Bros. or The Legend of Zelda, Metroid has had a hit-or-miss track record for Nintendo. Despite a dedicated fanbase and mostly positive reception to its titles, sales numbers haven't always been there for the Metroid franchise. From this perspective, Metroid Dread was something of a gamble for Nintendo, but this risk paid off in a big way. The game was the fastest-selling Metroid title in series history, and it also went on to win numerous awards. Taking a big swing with the right talent is proof that other properties in Nintendo's massive library deserve another chance.

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Metroid Dread - A True Underdog Story

Metroid Dread

Many previous Metroid entries couldn't crack one million sales, and lukewarm reviews on certain titles hardly helped. Metroid: Other M and Metroid Prime: Federation Force both underperformed, hurting the overall reputation of the franchise. Years already go by between new games, and having a few misses in a row seemed like the final nail in the coffin for Samus Aran.

Combine this with the troubled development of Metroid Prime 4, and things weren't looking up. This is why the revival of Metroid Dread came as such a welcome surprise. To bring back a game originally cancelled in a series that is on shaky ground is something of a gamble for Nintendo. Thankfully, development was handed by MercurySteam, the same studio that delivered Metroid: Samus Returns in 2017; a safe but well-made remake of Metroid 2: Return of Samus on Game Boy.

Metroid Dread became the fastest-selling game in the Metroid franchise and went on to win numerous accolades, including Best Action/Adventure game at The Game Awards 2021. This kind of success is unprecedented, and the jolt of life to the Metroid series is desperately needed. It sends a message that there is still interest in the IP, something which Nintendo has hopefully taken note of moving forward.

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More Variety From Nintendo is a Good Thing

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All that being said, Metroid Dread's success is more important than just for this series. It shows that even though a franchise may be going through a rough time, it shouldn't be cast aside. Sony's God of War series is another example. After mixed reception to God of War: Ascension, it took a few years off to reinvent itself, and the new take on Kratos in 2018 was a massive hit with critics and gamers; often considered one of the finest PlayStation exclusives ever made.

A new Super Mario game is always welcome, and Breath of the Wild 2 is among the most anticipated games of 2022, but there is so much more Nintendo could do. One look at the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate shows how many IPs the company has that aren't be taken advantage of. Each of these series taps into a particular genre or style, so making use of them would add further variety to the Switch's first-party lineup.

This is not to suggest Nintendo should just makes games for the sake of it, but it cannot be ignored that there are a lot of big names collecting dust. It is just a matter of finding the right team and vision to bring these franchises back to life, as seen with MercurySteam and its efforts on Metroid. Another notable example is Next Level Games being handed the reigns to the Luigi's Mansion franchise after more than a decade. It has delivered successes with both Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Luigi's Mansion 3.

Nintendo has proven its continued prowess this generation, as both Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are considered among the best in their respective series. It would be a wonder to see that extra push to send other notable franchises like Star Fox and F-Zero back into the limelight. Hopefully the success of Metroid Dread convinces Nintendo to not be so wary of its "lesser" franchises, and give them more opportunities to shine.

Metroid Dread is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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