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There are numerous different types of obstacles for players to overcome in Metroid Dread, one of which is Fire Plants. As with objects like Wide Beam Boxes, Samus needs a specific ability in order to interact with these plants, and some players may be curious about exactly what that ability is. For those fans that would like to learn more about destroying Fire Plants in Metroid Dread, full details can be found in this guide.

How to Destroy Fire Plants in Metroid Dread

To get right to it, players will need to use Ice Missiles to bypass the Fire Plants that they encounter across Metroid Dread’s Planet ZDR. These special Missiles are unlocked upon defeating the blue EMMI, and that hostile robot can be found in the Ghavoran map. As per usual, players will need to destroy a Central Unit and charge the Omega Cannon before battling the EMMI head on, and indeed there is one in the area.

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Notably, it is very likely that players will encounter a Fire Plant or two before they dispatch the blue EMMI in Metroid Dread and earn the Ice Missiles. Fans should not be too concerned if that happens, though, as they will almost certainly pass by the Plants again after unlocking the relevant ability. Indeed, revisiting areas once new abilities have been acquired is a common occurrence in this title, allowing players to access parts of the map that they could not on their first pass.

metroid dread fire plant

How to Beat the Blue EMMI in Metroid Dread

While the basics of defeating an EMMI should be well-known to players by the time that they reach this point in the game, specific details on how to approach the blue robot may be helpful. Quite simply, it is advisable that fans battle the enemy near the ceiling that can be grabbed with the Spider Magnet ability in Metroid Dread. This is recommended because it is possible to get quite a lot of space from the EMMI in this location, making it easier to charge the Omega Cannon.

That said, players are certainly free to pick another spot within the EMMI room for taking on the enemy if they prefer. In fact, there are actually quite a number of places where it is possible to make the distance that is required to charge the Omega Cannon. And even if a Metroid fan does fail and ultimately gets caught by the EMMI, they will be able to try again without much delay.

Metroid Dread is available now exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

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