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Metroid Dread players first visit Ferenia about halfway through the game. It's a fairly small region when compared to some of those which precede it, though still has plenty of secrets hidden throughout its depths. Players will be able to unearth some of these on their initial visit, though the majority will require the use of late-game equipment and techniques in order to find.

RELATED: Every Energy, Missile & Power Bomb Tank in Ghavoran

In total, there are 14 upgrade tanks in Ferenia: four Energy Tanks, eight Missile Tanks, and two Power Bomb Tanks. Though not quite as bountiful as some of the other regions in Metroid Dread, that still equates to one additional tank of energy and 32 extra missiles; both of which will come in helpful during some of the tough boss fights that are still to come.

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Every Energy Tank in Ferenia

Energy Tank #1 (Energy Part)


Players can claim Ferenia's first Energy Tank by destroying the hidden block with a Morph Ball bomb.

Energy Tank #2 (Energy Part)


Once they've unlocked the Space Jump ability, players will be able to jump up into the tunnel containing the second energy tank from the right-hand side. From there, they'll simply need to destroy a couple of blocks with Morph Ball bombs in order to grab it.

Energy Tank #3 (Energy Part)


To get their hands on Ferenia's third Energy Tank, players will need both the Screw Attack and the Cross Bomb. After destroying a couple of blue blocks with the former, they'll then need to use a Cross Bomb while in mid-air to take care of two more blocks on the far right of the screen. Once they're out of the way, players can loop back around and head through the tunnel to the right, where they'll then be able to grab the tank.

Energy Tank #4 (Energy Part)


Starting in the room with the elevator leading down to Dairon, players should run to their left and then slide through the gap in the wall by tapping the ZL button. Next, they'll need to jump and continue running to the left, being sure to store Samus' momentum at the top of the slope by flicking the left analog stick down. They'll then need to jump up through the gap and activate Shinespark so that Samus crashes into the side of the slope on the right. When she reaches the top of it, players should again preserve her momentum with the left stick and then immediately activate Shinespark again; this time having her fly straight upwards and through the orange blocks. Once they're out of the way, players will be able to grab Ferenia's fourth and final Energy Tank by climbing into the tunnel on their left.

Every Missile Tank in Ferenia

Missile Tank #1


Ferenia's first Missile Tank is at the top of the tower to the right of the room where the Escue boss fight takes place. Players will need to destroy a hidden block with a missile before they can collect it though.

Missile Tank #2


After arriving in the cyan teleporter room via Burenia, players will need to head through to the ajoining room and then shoot through some hidden blocks in the ceiling. They'll be able to collect the Missile Tank here fairly early on in the game, though won't be able to exit the chamber until they find the Power Bomb a little later on.

Missile Tank #3 (Missile+)


Players will need to utilize Samus' Shinespark ability to get their hands on Missile Tank number three. There are a few different strategies, but the easiest involves starting in the room with the elevator down to Dairon. Players should run through the door on the right and flick the left analog stick down just before hitting the wall in the next room. After that, they'll need to jump up and climb through the gap to their left, shoot the three blocks, and then slide through the second gap. They'll then be able to activate Shinespark as they're falling and should aim to the right to destroy the orange blocks and claim the tank.

Missile Tank #4


Collecting Ferenia's fourth Missile Tank will also require the use of the Shinespark ability, though this one is a little easier to figure out. Players should start in the area above the tank and then run through to the room on the left. They'll need to preserve Samus' momentum by flicking the left analog stick down here, then slide through the gap and shoot the two white blocks beneath her. After falling into the area below, they should then climb into the tunnel and use Shinespark while in ball form, being sure to aim to the right.

Missile Tank #5


After unlocking the Cross Bomb, players will be able to use one while in midair to destroy a row of bomb blocks and reach Ferenia's fifth Missile Tank. If they're having trouble, they can come back a little later on once they've unlocked the Power Bomb, as this will make things infinitely easier.

Missile Tank #6


To reach the sixth Missile Tank, players will first need to gain access to the tunnel that leads to it, which will require the use of a bomb and the Gravity Suit. After passing through the tunnel, they'll then need to use either the Space Jump or the Screw Attack while between the two rows of pitfall blocks to reach the tank.

Missile Tank #7 (Missile+)


At first, Missile Tank number seven can seem like one of the trickiest Shinepark puzzles in the game. With a little bit of practice and the right strategy though, it's really not too bad. The easiest way to pull it off is to start in the area that leads to Ghavoran and then run through the doors to the right. When the Speed Booster activates, players should jump over the gap and then perform an early wall jump to reach the area at the top. As soon as they land, they should press the ZL button so that Samus slides through the gap. Thanks to her momentum, she'll pass all the way through to the chamber on the left, where players should quickly stand and flick the left analog stick down to preserve her momentum. Next, they should slide back through the tunnel, place a bomb in the center, and then activate the Shinespark ability will pointing upwards. This will destroy the orange blocks, allowing players to easily grab the tank.

Missile Tank #8


To reach Ferenia's final Missile Tank, players should use a Power Bomb to clear out the three blocks to the right of it and then the Screw Attack to climb up into the tunnel.

Every Power Bomb Tank in Ferenia

Power Bomb Tank #1


Ferenia's first Power Bomb Tank is in the room where players first encounter the Twin Robot Chozo Soldiers. To claim it, players will simply need to detonate a Power Bomb and then climb up into the tunnel.

Power Bomb Tank #2


The region's second Power Bomb Tank is in the E.M.M.I. patrol zone to the south of the map. Players will again need to detonate a Power Bomb to expose it and will then be able to use the Screw Attack to jump up and grab it.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Complete Guide & Walkthrough