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The Metroid series has always excelled when it comes to finding balance. Though players are constantly finding new, more powerful upgrades and equipment, its boss fights always provide a decent level of challenge. The same is true in Metroid Dread and is particularly evident when players come up against the Escue boss in Ferenia.

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This winged-wasp-like creature only has three attacks, though still manages to pose a real threat despite players now having access to the Space Jump and numerous new weapons. As is typically the case with boss battles in Metroid Dread, those hoping to emerge from the first phase of the fight unscathed will need to study Escue's attack patterns and timings.

Where to Find Escue


The Escue boss battle takes place in the southeast corner of the Ferenia region. After exiting the nearby save room through the door on the right, players should head through the destructible block in the floor of the next room and then look for another hidden passageway to the right of the lower area. Heading straight down through more hidden blocks here will lead to a boss door, behind which Escue lies in wait.

How to Beat Escue (Phase 1)


Escue only has three attacks in the first phase of the fight, two of which can be avoided fairly easily. Its charge attacks, which are usually preceded by the boss pointing its stinger directly at Samus, can be dodged by jumping or using the Flash Shift, while the large energy balls can be jumped over incredibly easily.


It's worth noting that these energy balls will form a wave of dark energy that will also need to be avoided if they make contact with the ground. Jumping over the wave is fairly simple, though it's easier to jump just before Escue fires the ball so that it goes over Samus' head and hits the wall instead. This way, the energy dissipates instantly and only needs to be dodged once.


Though both of these attacks can deal a lot of damage if they make contact with Samus, it will likely be Escue's third attack that causes players the most trouble. The boss will fire a wave of smaller shards of dark energy that are incredibly difficult to avoid, more so depending on where the boss is positioned when it uses the attack.


If Escue is in the center of the room, players should use the Flash Shift to move under it and then jump up the wall on the other side. If Escue is closer to the far wall, players should instead jump up the wall behind them and then use the flash shift to travel towards the other side of the room once they reach the top.


To damage Escue, players will need to hit it with either their Ice Missiles or a charged attack. It doesn't matter where they hit the boss, though they will need to make sure to do so while its electricity-based forcefield is inactive. While it's up, players will not be able to damage Escue and so should focus on dodging its attacks until the forcefield goes down.

How to Beat Escue (Phase 2)


Compared to the first phase, the second phase of the Escue fight is a walk in the park. In fact, it's probably the easiest section of any boss fight in the entire game. Escue will transform into its X-Parasite form, which players will need to avoid while pelting it with charged attacks or missiles.


Though making contact with the boss will deal significant damage to Samus, it's fairly easy to avoid due to its predictable movement pattern. What's more, each time that it's hit, it will release X-Parasites that can restore Samus health (yellow) and missile ammo (green). By collecting these as they go, it's almost impossible for players to lose once reaching the second phase.

The Reward for Beating Escue


After taking enough damage, Escue will revert to its true X-Parasite form and be absorbed by Samus. When this happens, the bounty hunter will unlock the Storm Missile upgrade, which allows her to fire multiple missiles at as many as five different designated targets.


To use the Storm Missile, players need to hold the R button to charge it up and then use the laser sight to designate targets. This can come in incredibly useful in certain combat situations and can also be used to unlock certain doors and passageways by targeting the special green release mechanisms.

MORE: Metroid Dread: Complete Guide & Walkthrough