The recent announcement of Metal GearSolid’s return to the gaming scene has left many fans excited about the potential of the franchise. However, without Hideo Kojima at the helm, and the divide of Konami’s name, players are cautious about how the remake of Metal GearSolid3 will turn out to be.

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Considering that Metal GearSolid3 is almost 2 decades old, many fans are expecting the Metal GearSolid remake to feature some new and improved mechanics and graphics that are more in line with the current trend of gaming. There are a few mechanics that the Metal GearSolid:Snake Eater remake needs.

8 Cure System

cure screen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

One of the most detailed mechanics in all of gaming, Metal GearSolid3’s Cure System was revolutionary. The Cure System showed the painstaking detail that the development team made to ensure the accuracy of their game. If Snake is burnt, then players would need to enter the Cure Screen to patch him up.

This consistent mechanic is featured throughout the game. Whether Snake was stung by a bee, attached by leeches, or even shot, players would need to take care of Snake and mend his wounds to heal. This mechanic needs to return the Metal GearSolid remake for its accuracy and detail.

7 Over The Shoulder Camera

Snake looking down the sights of a gun at a guard who appears to be guarding an enemy force's base.

The fixed camera perspective can be a difficult challenge for players, as most modern games feature a 3D camera somewhere over the shoulder. Metal GearSolid: Snake Eater should remove the fixed camera points and the 3D camera for something more in line with Metal GearSolid5, with an over-the-shoulder perspective.

This over-the-shoulder perspective would be great, as players can change their shoulders to aim. It would be a great way to bring Metal GearSolid3 into the modern era alongside the updated graphics, as the new control system would make it more accessible to new players.

6 Crouch Walking

venom snake crouch walking

The original Metal GearSolid3 could not crouch walk. This mechanic has become vital in modern stealth games, utilized by games like The Last of Us to allow players to remain in stealth whilst moving at a quickened pace. It would certainly make cutscenes more gameplay friendly with Snake's stealth encounters. Players can crouch in the original Metal GearSolid3, but they can only move when prone or standing.

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By having crouch walking, players will be open to more mobility options that the original game lacked. Crouch walking can be a great addition, and allow players more freedom of movement in their stealth gameplays.

5 Modern Shooting

MGS 3 remake

It was rather hard to aim in the third-person mode of Metal GearSolid3. It was often advised that players stand still, hold R1 to enter the first-person camera, and take their shot. However, this came with its drawbacks, as players were unable to move whilst taking their shots, leaving them vulnerable to enemy fire, or open to compromises in stealth.

A more modern remake of Metal GearSolid3 needs to include modern shooting mechanics, and the best inspiration is from Metal GearSolid5. The last title in the Metal GearSolid series should be all the inspiration the remake needs, especially when players can shoot in third and first person whilst on the move.

4 Sprinting

snake sprinting to a helicopter

There’s a stamina bar in Metal GearSolid3 that doesn’t get used too much. Although players will need to rest and consume food to fill the stamina bar up, the remake would benefit from allowing the stamina bar to shine more, and the use of sprinting in Metal GearSolid3 would certainly assist that method. Although, sprinting won't help players against the Shagohod.

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Mobility is important to modern stealth games, and Metal GearSolid: Snake Eater can truly benefit from the ability to sprint. The original game just had Snake jog everywhere, with no specific button to make him dash through the battlefield to reach The Boss.

3 Survival Mechanics

food screen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

There’s a delicate balance of nature in Metal GearSolid3, and Snake is determined to eat it all. As players traverse through the jungle, they can capture and kill many variations of wildlife. From crocodiles to bats, there are plenty of different foods that Snake can eat to enhance his health and stamina, or negatively affect it.

It would be a shame if Metal GearSolid: Snake Eater didn’t feature the same level of detail when it comes to the wildlife that can be found in Metal GearSolid3. The fact that players could find different animals and plants to help them survive the harshness of the terrain made the game all the more immersive.

2 Camouflage Mechanics

snake camouflage screen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Players can use the battlefield to their advantage, and truly blend with their environments to be a deadly ghost that stalks their prey. Metal GearSolid3 had a camouflage system, which allowed players to find and unlock new outfits of different color patterns, as well as face paints. Combining the right patterns would allow Snake to blend in.

This meant that if Snake had a 100% camo active, guards would not be able to see Snake unless they were truly stepping on him. Achieving a high camo stat made Snake harder to see, and it also gave Snake customization options which could greatly benefit the MGS remake.

1 Revised CQC

Snake Using CQC on a soldier in Metal Gear Solid 5

The close-quarter combat interactions in Metal GearSolid3 could certainly use a revamp when it comes to the remake. CQC was a useful tool for interrogating and eliminating targets, especially when a gun is out of the question. CQC could be used lethally or non-lethally, but a more revised combat system would assist the remake.

The majority of players just use CQC to spam the button until their foe is collapsed on the floor, unconscious or dead. A new system would be great against the final boss fight of The Boss. Perhaps unique takedowns, much like the revised features of Metal GearSolid5.

Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater is now in development.

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