The best part of PC gaming is the ability to customize a game to completely fit a player's liking. Mods are one of the many ways players can alter a game's experience and elevate every game they're a part of. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is one of the most important titles of the 2010s and mods take it to the next level.

How Metal Gear Solid 5 Perfects the Stealth Genre

Stealth has become ubiquitous in modern games, but none have managed to implement stealth gameplay quite as well as Metal Gear Solid 5 has.

Freedom is integral to the title's game design philosophy, and it goes hand in hand with mods to create the most fun experience possible. This freedom can manifest in graphic mods, texture/model mods, and even gameplay overhaul mods. With thousands of mods to choose from, some mods rise above the rest.

7 SnakeBite Mod Manager

Total Downloads: 735,276

MGS 5 Snakebite Mod Title Screen

When installing mods, sometimes it's better to use a mod manager. It's an easier way to deal with managing the dozens of files necessary to make a mod work.

SnakeBite Mod Manager is technically two mods in one. The mod manager installs and uninstalls mod files as well as saves a collection of mods to be shared among users. These collections can be loaded into another user's machine with all of its original settings and files intact. While some mods can be installed without SnakeBite Mod Manager, it streamlines the process.

6 Infinite Heaven

Total Downloads: 426,658

4 soldiers and a horse saluting Big Boss on Mother Base

One of the best parts of Metal Gear Solid 5 is the base building/management mechanics on the Mother Base. Infinite Heaven extends th game while providing more customization options and features. It even has a Subsistence mode for people who prefer the camera and feel of the PS2-era Metal Gear titles.

It also allows for the deadly Skull enemies to be able to invade players during free-roaming sections. It changes so much that players looking for a new way to experience the game should add this to their mod loading order.

5 S++ Soldier Mod

Total Downloads: 264,778

High ranking staff member in MGS 5

Another important pillar of Metal Gear Solid 5's mechanics is the ability to train soldiers in Big Boss's Diamond Dog militia. Before this mod, the only way to receive S++ soldiers was to train them using the Forward Operating Base (FOB) extension. This process is time-consuming, especially since players would have to infiltrate the FOBs of other players.

Remembering Metal Gear Solid 5's One-of-a-Kind Puzzle

In Metal Gear Solid 5, players must figure out why a strange illness spreads throughout Mother Base, and the solution ties to the game's themes.

This mod allows finding high-ranking soldiers on the field, allowing players to quickly level up their base. Warning though, this mod can potentially get players banned from multiplayer entirely. While most mods are probably safe, it's important to do research and exercise caution.

4 No More Timers

Total Downloads: 213,349

MGS 5 Development screenshot showcasing the no timer mod

A simple but pivotal mod, this removes the time requirement for researching equipment, building base platforms, and deployments. That time requirement is important for balance reasons, but for those just wanting to experiment with different load-outs and equipment, this mod is perfect.

Being able to develop new equipment on a whim provides an entirely new dynamic to the game. Honestly, it fits right into the gameplay loop of players constantly adapting their strategy as the enemy adapts alongside them. A must-have for Metal Gear Solid 5 newcomers and veterans.

3 The Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod

Total Downloads: 129,725

Big Boss Pondering in a helicopter on the MGS 5 Main Menu

Unfortunately, this mod only works with a specific version of Metal Gear Solid 5 but provides control over customizing the whole experience. With the Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod, fans can implement New Game Plus functionality in a game that didn't originally support it. This alone is enough for players to find more replayability in an already infinitely replayable game.

Adjust other mechanics like the helicopter rides, and how fast time passes, and even make the game harder by adjusting enemy AI. This mod also allows the player to customize the user interface, like allowing them to remove world markers or the x-ray effect that allows players to see through solid terrain.

2 New Female Faces And Hairs

Total Downloads: 122,449

Black woman pointing in Metal Gear Solid 5

The New Female Faces And Hairs mod completely overhauls the playable female characters in Metal Gear Solid 5. With this mod, female characters have better eyelash textures, altered hair physics, and minor tweaks to their models to provide better options for players to explore.

'Quiet's Outfit Was Not Practical at All' Metal Gear Solid 5 Actress Comments on Controversial Character

The actress for Metal Gear Solid 5's Quiet admits that her character's outfit isn't practical despite the game's explanation for it.

This mod doesn't affect body proportions and is completely safe for work. While the original women's models were varied and fit their role as soldiers well, sometimes players want to look their Sunday's best while living their best militant life.

1 Morbid's Side-OP Expansion Pack

Total Downloads: 79,493

Big Boss hiding from an attack helicopter in Metal Gear Solid 5

This mod works in tandem with Infinite Heaven to bring hours of content.

This mod is like an unofficial DLC. Morbid's Side-Op Expansion pack adds 50 new side missions to Metal Gear Solid 5. Players who are looking for more content without changing the core experience can look no further with this mod.

This mod provides everything a player would need to stretch their enjoyment with intense, challenging content. The mod also has unique enemy patrols through clever rearranging of the enemy placement and ties it all together with new flavor text. Morbid's Side-Op Expansion compliments the base game in all the best ways.