Hideo Kojima's last hurrah with Konami, Metal Gear Solid 5, is absolutely loaded with critical messages about war and the nature of armed conflicts around the world. This is most notably shown in the way that the game deals with the way certain superpowers around the world handle the responsibility of nuclear weapons, shown more poignantly with The Phantom Pain's secret ending.

The secret ending in Metal Gear Solid 5 is actually so difficult to obtain, that players still theorize that the first time it was ever seen was because Konami stepped in to make it happen. However, it would appear that players on the PS3 version of the game have finally come together, years after Metal Gear's debut, in order to unlock an ending known as Nuclear Disarmament.

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In order to obtain this ending, players have to satisfy one condition in Metal Gear Online, the online component packaged along with Metal Gear Solid 5, that lets players build their own Mother Base and compete against other players in missions and tactical assaults. The condition required for Nuclear Disarmament is exactly what the title describes; all players must disarm the nuclear weapons that they are allowed to use as both weapons against other players, and deterrents to keep them safe from attack. What makes this so difficult, is the fact that one player, or a party of friends getting rid of their nukes isn't enough to activate it, instead requiring that the entire server play along.

As mentioned before, the only other time that the Nuclear Disarmament ending was ever achieved, it was due to an incident in which every players' nuclear weapons suddenly and mysteriously disappeared. So, for players on a PS3 server to accomplish this task without the forced aid of the developer, who many assume were behind the original disappearance of the nuclear weapons, is an incredible feat among the community. It's even more surprising when considering the fact that Konami has pulled so far from the series as to have scrapped Metal Gear Solid 5's engine, essentially ceasing any future operations on the title indefinitely.

Early reports of the ending being viewed imply that this was a massive fan effort, or at least everyone on the server saw the direction it was going and decided to jump on the opportunity. However, one holdout would have been all it took to derail the entire operation, and make the efforts of every player participating essentially be for nothing. Earning Metal Gear Solid 5's Nuclear Disarmament ending is now small feat, and there honestly may never be a challenge like this thrown at players ever again.

Metal Gear Solid 5 is available now for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

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