Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater starts players off with a curious choice. When beginning a new game and selecting a difficulty mode, the game also asks players which game in the franchise they like the most.

The choices are "I like MGS1", "I like MGS2", "I like MGS3",(only in Subsistence and subsequent re-releases), or players can say they have never played the game before. What does this choice mean and which one should players choose? The following guide will sort everything out and make it clear which decision is best, depending on the player's preference.

Metal Gear Solid 3: How to Beat the Sorrow

The Sorrow is one of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater's more unusual boss "fights" and requires Naked Snake to use some unorthadox tactics.

What Do The Choices Get You?

Metal Gear Solid 3 picking which game you like

Follow the table below to see what each choice unlocks for players at the start of the game.

I'm Playing The MGS Series For The First Time

Default Introductory Cinematic

I Like MGS1!

Snake's Stamina Lasts Longer During The Virtuous Mission

I Like MGS2!

Snake Has The Mask On During The Opening Cinematic

I Like MGS3!

Naked Snake Starts With Bonus Camo And Face Paint Demo Theater Is Unlocked

There are a few things to note about these options:

  • Players have the mask in the backpack regardless of which choice they make. Picking MGS2 just has the mask on in the cutscene and adds a special cinematic where Snake takes it off.
  • The bonus camo from picking MGS3 is unlocked once players beat the game.
Metal Gear Solid 3: How to Interrogate Enemies

Interrogating enemies in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a great way to reveal useful information. Here's how the process works.

Which One Should Players Pick?

MGS 3 camo DPM

When it comes to which one starts players off on the best foot gameplay-wise, picking "I like MGS3" is the best bet. Just remember that this option is only available on re-releases, so players are out of luck if they are playing the 2004 original release (which also lacks the moveable 3D camera)

Bonus Camo

The bonus camo does not only give more variety to how stealthy one can be, but each has its own unique attribute (see table below):

Desert Tiger

Suppressors Don't Degrade


Unlimited Battery Power


Damage Reduced By A Third


Restores Health Twice As Fast

Bonus Face Paint

The face paints granted by picking "I like MGS 3" also have special abilities:

Flags Of Various Countries

No Special Ability Granted


Infinite Grip Gauge


Infinite O2 Gauge

Players have to remember that all of these bonus attributes for the camo and face paint only work when players are wearing them.

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Switch , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
October 24, 2023
Action , Stealth