In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Naked Snake goes up against the members of Cobra Unit. This special operations force was originally founded by The Boss and includes five superhuman soldiers. Of these, The Sorrow serves as a medium who communes with the dead, allowing him to summon and speak with dead soldiers to provide intelligence for the Unit.

After jumping from a waterfall to escape pursuers, Naked Snake finds himself in the Spirit World and has to face The Sorrow. The Sorrow remembers every single thing that Snake has killed during Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater up to this moment and calls on their ghosts to attack. This means that players who have been making use of lethal weaponry regularly will have a harder time with this fight, though it is still entirely beatable.

Metal Gear Solid 3: How to Interrogate Enemies

Interrogating enemies in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is a great way to reveal useful information. Here's how the process works.

How to Beat The Sorrow

The Sorrow floating over Naked Snake who is walking through a spooky river, another ghost is nearby Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

In order to "defeat" The Sorrow, players will need to make use of an item that has been in their inventory since the beginning of the game. There are two places where the "Revival Pill" can be used to end the fight. Players hoping for an easy win just need to drown Snake, causing the death screen to appear. This death screen will still allow players to access their inventory, however, so players are able to select the Revival Pill. Using the Revival Pill will restore Snake to life and allow him to escape the Spirit World.

Players who want to unlock The Spirit Camo are going to need to put in a lot of extra work and complete the Spirit Walk. Simply follow the river all the way to the end and touch the floating corpse at the end of the path. This will cause Snake to die but still allow players to use the inventory screen and access the Revival Pill. Using the Revival Pill at this point will restore Snake to life and allow him to escape the Spirit World, but also reward Snake with The Spirit Camo.

How difficult it will be to finish the walk depends on how many people and animals Snake has killed during the game. Players will have to dodge around the ghosts as they charge at Snake if they want to progress without dying early. The Sorrow will also fire beams at Snake, which must also be dodged by moving to either side. These are the only ways The Sorrow can actually damage the player during this sequence.


The Reward for reaching the body at the end of the river is the Spirit Camo, which allows Snake to drain enemy stamina with his CQC holds and eliminates all noise from his footsteps.