
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater features a variety of enemy types, including KGB officers, Ocelot Unit soldiers, and GRU soldiers.
  • Players can choose to engage in combat or sneak past these enemies, adding depth to the gameplay.
  • The game also includes unique enemies such as flying units and flame troops, which contribute to the 1960s theme and provide additional challenges for the player.

Even though Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater takes place in 1964, a full 45 years before the prior main entry in the series, and it features a larger variety of enemy types. As this topic goes through them all, it will point out where players first encounter them.

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Most of the enemies are basic humans, but they have some tools up their sleeves to make Snake's mission harder. Some of their equipment is anachronistic, but it is difficult to complain when they make the gameplay more interesting. After all, this is Metal Gear, a series about walking battle tanks, cyborg ninjas, and clones of legendary soldiers.

1 KGB Officers

First Enemies Snake Encounters During The Virtuous Mission

Metal Gear Solid 3 snake interogratting a guard

These are the first adversaries Snake goes up against and they serve as the standard enemy soldier. They have AK-47s and Grenades.

Even though Major Zero warns against leaving a trace of Snake's path, the game does not force players to abide by this, so gamers are free to shoot them, kill them, and enter the alert phase. After the virtuous mission is done, the KGB officers are no longer a part of the story.

2 Ocelot Unit

Fought After Meeting Eva, And At Two Optional Points

Ocelot with one of his troop members
  • First optional fight: If players kill The End before his boss fight, they are patrolling the area. Players can either eliminate them all or sneak past them to the cave with the ladder leading to the mountains.
  • Second optional fight: If players do not remove the tracking device after being captured, they will show up in the area after the Sorrow boss fight and before rendezvousing with Eva.

The Ocelot Unit are the soldiers under Revolver Ocelot, the series staple who players get to see as a young man. They wear red berets and balaclavas and come equipped with different weapons depending on the individual soldier.

In the first encounter, players have to either kill or incapacitate the soldiers in the Ocelot Unit to progress. In the two optional encounters, it is possible to sneak past them without engaging in combat.

3 GRU Soldiers

Primary Guards During Operation Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake holding a knife at an enemy's throat in a warehouse

GRU soldiers are under Volgin's command so players will mainly be dealing with them. Players first encounter them after seeing the Boss in Operation Snake Eater after she blows up the plane in which Snake landed.

Depending on the area, they will be equipped with all manner of weaponry, from regular assault rifles to shotguns and RPG-7s. When in the alert phase, some shielded enemies will also come to make the fight harder.

Blow up ammunition storage rooms and food pantries to make GRU soldiers less efficient later in the game.

4 Flying Units

First Appear After Fighting The Pain And During The Motorcycle Chase

Metal Gear Solid 3 flying soldier

And now onto an enemy that had no hope of existing back in 1964 and probably would not be feasible, or even practical, today. Players first have to tend with the flying enemies after escaping the cave following the boss fight with the Pain.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – All Boss Battles, Ranked

Naked Snake's rise to become Big Boss is understandable in Metal Gear Solid 3, thanks to the bout of boss fights that require skill and smarts.

There's no point in trying to destroy them here, so Snake simply should hide underwater to avoid getting discovered by their spotlight. While unrealistic, it contributes to the 1960s obsession with jetpacks. They were featured prominently in The Jetsons, and the Bond movieThunderball uses one in its iconic opening scene.

If players destroy the helicopter parked earlier in the game by the base in the room before the Ocelot boss fight, they will show up in the mountains in place of the helicopter.

5 The Helicopter

Show Up In The Mountains

Metal Gear Solid 3 Helicopter

The series is no stranger to aggressive helicopters. This time it is not even a boss, though, and instead a simple vehicle patrolling the mountain path. Not only do they quickly survey the area, but they also can cause serious damage during an alert phase.

It is best to try and stay out of its way whenever possible. Still, nothing makes the player feel more powerful than single-handedly taking out a helicopter with an RPG-7 or a mounted gun.

6 Flame Troops

In The Mountains After Meeting With Eva

Flame Troops Metal Gear Solid 3

These enemies only show up in one room that players can quickly run through if they know where the exit is. If players want to engage with them, they can cause some serious damage with their flamethrowers.

Of course, like every enemy with a flamethrower, Snake can shoot the pack on their back to light them up in flames. The flamethrower troops are more of a prelude to the Fury boss fight ahead than a real threat.

7 Scientists

In The Graniny Gorki Lab And Groznyj Grad

Metal Gear Solid 3 scientist copy

Scientists will not attack Snake, but they will still be alarmed by his presence and trigger an alert, so players want to avoid detection by them. Even with the scientist's disguise, they see right through it.

There is no penalty for killing them, but players can also creatively knock them out with the gas cigarettes if they are fast enough. It is curious why they immediately know that Snake is not a scientist as if they know every other scientist working on the Shagohod project.

8 Dogs

Before Fighting Ocelot And Outside The Graniny Gorki Lab

Dogs Chasing Snake In Tunnel

Dogs are a gamer's worst nightmare in a stealth game. They do not want to hurt the hounds, but these animals are also the best at spotting the player.

Fortunately, it is at least simple to just put the dogs to sleep and there is no mandatory up close and personal moment like in The Last of Us Part 2. And no, the game does not let players eat dogs like most of the other animals.

9 Motorcycle Troops

During The Bike Chase

Motorcycle troops Snake Eater

After fighting Volgin and blowing up the Shagohod Hangar, players go on a lengthy bike chase through the ruins of Groznyj Grad. Enemies on bikes start chasing Snake and Eva down the runway. The second part of the chase continues after defeating the Shagohod.

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Here, players almost exclusively deal with this type of enemy. They always come in twos. One enemy drives while another shoots. Take out the driver to see both of them go out in a spectacular crash.

10 Maintenance Worker

In The Shagohod Hangar

Snake standing next to a Maintenance worker

These foes are similar to scientists in that they do not hurt the player but they will still alarm the guards. The Shagohod Hangar is a more open space, which makes sneaking by them a little harder than usual since it is not as easy to use corners to one's advantage.

Finding a Maintenance disguise in one of the lockers in the weapons lab (the room prior to entering the Hangar) makes sneaking around the hangar easier, but the Maintenance Workers will still see through the disguise when Snake is facing them.

11 GRU Officers

Found In The Graniny Gorki Lab And The Groznyj Grad Weapons Lab

Metal Gear Solid 3 in granyj gorki lab interrogating a guard

These guys are not as threatening as the other GRU Soldiers and are only found in interior locations. In direct combat, they will not cause Snake a lot of issues since they only have a pistol.

Because of the closed nature of the indoor spaces and the lack of a Soliton Radar like in the prior two games, they do spot the player more easily. Once in Groznyj Grad, they are sufficiently fooled by the officer's disguise and the Raikov mask.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

PS2 , PS3 , PS Vita , Xbox 360 , 3DS
November 17, 2004