Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is not just about sneaking past enemies. The game offers an almost unparalleled level of environmental interaction, especially when compared to other games from 2004. One vital part of the game is interrogating enemies.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Best Camo, Ranked

Snake can utilize a variety of camo patterns to stay hidden in Metal Gear Solid 3. These are some of the best on offer.

It is an expansion of the system from Metal Gear Solid 2, where Snake and Raiden could shake down enemies for items and dog tags. In the third entry, interrogating Naked Snake puts his knife to enemies' throats to get information from them. The guide below will explain why players should interrogate enemies in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and how to do it properly without causing an alert.

Why Interrogate Enemies?

Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake holding a knife at an enemy's throat in a warehouse
  • It is the best way to learn vital information about the game world.
  • There are hidden codec frequencies guards will reveal.
  • Guards also reveal the location of hidden items.

The 2004 video game is filled with numerous secrets and tricks to help give Snake the upper hand against enemies and the numerous tools they can use against him.

Metal Gear Solid 2: How to Get the Nikita

The Nikita is a vital tool for rescuing the President in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and can be found in the depths of Shell-2 Core.

Interrogating enemies is the best way to find out about these tactics without looking at a guide. They also reveal the location of special items and even hidden codec frequencies that play secret songs and heal the player. All of these can be learned from the various enemies patrolling the environment.

How To Interrogate

Metal Gear Solid 3 in granyj gorki lab interrogating a guard
  • Slowly approach a guard while their back is turned.
  • Hold the melee attack button to put them in a chokehold.
  • Press and push in the left analog stick to initiate the interrogation.

First things first, players should be in stealth and not attempt an interrogation during an active alert state. To interrogate, one must first put the enemy in a chokehold. There are two ways to do this. First, players should use the d-pad to sneak in close without the enemy hearing Snake's footsteps.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake sneaking up on enemy

When Snake is close, players should hold the melee button, and an animation will play where Snake gets a grip on the enemy. Alternatively, players can run up quickly to the enemy and hold the melee button once they are close. The enemy will turn around, but if the player is quick enough, an alert status will not be activated. Players need to be either unarmed or equipped with a weapon that has "CQC" written in the item box.

metal gear solid 3 having an enemy in a chokehold

Now that they are in a chokehold, push in the left stick and Snake will hold a knife to their throat and tell the enemy to speak. The enemy will then reveal the information.

What To Do After Interrogating The Enemy

Metal gear solid 3 Snake holding a guard with stars over his head
  • Either knock the enemy out or kill them by choking them to death or slitting their throats.
  • Hide the body either in a locker or out of the way of enemy patrols.
  • There is no need to hide a body if Snake leaves the area quickly before there is a chance for it to be discovered.

From here, players need to find a way to dispose of the guard so the body does not alert their buddies. If they want to lethally eliminate the enemy, players can choke the guard out by tapping the melee attack button (circle on PlayStation) until they snap their neck or press the left trigger to slit their throat (on the PS2, hold the circle button). If they want to non-lethally knock out the enemy, players can choke them out until stars are circling above their head.

Players should hide the body if they intend on staying in this area so other enemies don't discover it. However, there is no need to worry about this if players leave the area quickly. Snake is in the clear once the text revealing the name of the new area he is entering appears.

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

PS2 , PS3 , PS Vita , Xbox 360 , 3DS
November 17, 2004