Metal Gear has never been shy about easter eggs and incredible detail. All of the Metal Gear games feature a delicacy with the franchise when it comes to Metal Gear easter eggs and secrets. Metal GearSolid3: Snake Eater has hundreds of easter eggs, and some of the best in the entire Metal GearSolid franchise.

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There is a reason that Metal GearSolid3 is so beloved by the fans, and the attention to detail is just one of many reasons why these games are so iconic. The best easter eggs in Metal GearSolid3 vary from small details to entire gameplay alterations, providing players with the fun only Kojima could come up with.

8 Spinning Snake

cure screen in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

When players enter the Cure screen, they will have a 3D render of Snake that they can examine with X-rays and determine his issues. This mechanic allows players to have some fun with Snake. They can ignore what is wrong with Snake, and simply make issues for the character by spinning the camera on this screen.

Spinning the camera whilst on the menu screen will make Snake dizzy, and upon returning to the game, Snake will immediately throw up. It’s a fun easter egg that punishes players for torturing Snake on the menu screen by making him vomit.

7 Time Paradox

ocelot is dead time paradox screen

Players can create a time paradox in Metal GearSolid3 depending on their actions. If Snake is to die, then not only is it a game over, but it is also a time paradox, as the events in the future Metal GearSolid games can never take place. It’s fun to see a replacement of the game overscreen for something more lore-friendly, considering Metal GearSolid3 is a prequel.

There are many ways that players can create a time paradox. One of the more common ways is to kill Ocelot, instead of leaving him unconscious. Ocelot is an integral character in Metal GearSolid, so it’s best to let him sleep off his wounds rather than shoot him to create a time paradox.

6 The Sorrow’s Corpse

the sorrow's corpse

One of the most mysterious characters in all of Metal Gear is the Sorrow. This deceased Cobra unit member stalks The Boss and Snake throughout Metal GearSolid3 as a spirit. However, early in the game, players can see the final resting place of the Sorrow through a secret cutscene, as long as they hold R1 to see Snake’s first-person perspective.

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The Sorrow’s dead body can be found near Dolinovodno, and it’s the deceased Cobra unit member, as indicated by his uniform and glasses. It’s a sad sight to see, and truly a chilling reminder about the fate of this character, and the attention to detail of the team behind Metal GearSolid3.

5 The End Dies Of Old Age

mgs3 the end

One of the hardest boss fights in Metal GearSolid3 is The End, a legendary hunter, and sniper for the Cobra Unit who has seen decades of combat. However, there’s a way to counter The End completely in Metal GearSolid3, and to avoid the fight by killing The End via the killer of all things: time.

In the middle of the boss fight, players can save their game and wait over 8 days to play it again. Or, change the internal clock of their console. When they return, Snake will enter a cutscene in which he finds The End’s body, as he had died of old age waiting for Snake.

4 Johnny’s Legacy

johnny in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The Metal Gear series, “The Johnny Joke” has seen an ongoing gag of toilet humor. Johnny is a character that constantly pops up in the game, but only for the notion of needing to go to the bathroom. The grandfather of Johnny appears in Metal GearSolid3 as Snake’s prison guard, and he is easily noted for his accent, western wife, and the big “J” on his balaclava.

Just like the other “Johnny Jokes”, players can influence Johnny’s need to go to the toilet by feeding him rotten food. After eating three of the rotten food packets, Johnny will rush off to the bathroom to relieve his stomach troubles, a far easier encounter than the Shagohod.

3 Guy Savage

Hidden Game Data- Guy Savage in MGS3

In the PS2 version of Metal GearSolid3, players can find a hack-and-slash minigame that sees the player take control of an unknown character in an unknown realm, cutting and slashing through monsters in a gory fashion. This segment is dubbed “Guy Savage”, as it was allegedly a project to be developed into its own game later down the line, but was ultimately canceled.

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To activate Guy Savage, players need to progress through the game until they are placed in the Groznyj Grad jail cell after Volgin’s torture scene. If players save their game whilst in the cell, then load that save, they will enter Snake’s Nightmare to play this minigame.

2 Kerotan Frogs

Kerotan Metal Gear Solid

As Snake makes his way through the Soviet jungles, he may find himself stalked by the Kerotan dolls. Fear not, for these dolls are adorable cartoon frogs, with a total of 64 of them present in Metal GearSolid3. Players need to hit or shoot each Kerotan frog they find to receive its croaking sound, indicating that they have successfully hit that frog.

It’s not just a fun thing to hit the Kerotan frogs as a collectible, but there’s a reward for getting all 64 of them. Players will earn the “Kerotan” title, and unlock a brand-new Stealth Camouflage that can be used in new playthroughs of Metal GearSolid3.

1 Les Enfants Terrible

snake capturing solid snake food screen

It’s ironic for one of Snake’s best sources of food in Metal GearSolid3 to be the very creature that he is named after. Snakes come in many different shapes and sizes in Metal GearSolid3, but perhaps the most interesting of the bunch are found in Rokovoj Bereg during the climactic fight with The Boss.

Players will be able to locate three distinct silver-white snakes in this area, all consisting of the Les Enfants Terrible. The snakes that they can find are Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake, the three Snakes that were cloned after the original Snake.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is available on PS2, PS3, Ps Vita, Xbox 360, 3DS

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