A key to the Metal Gear Solid series' early success is the sheer gameplay variety in its story-driven campaigns. Metal Gear Solid 2 is a prime example of this. There is a bomb disposal mission, an escort chapter, and even a segment where players get to wield the High-Frequency Blade, or HF Blade.

In case any gamer needs a refresher, the following guide gives everything one needs to know about the high-frequency blade in Metal Gear Solid 2. It is not as versatile as the sword combat in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but it is shockingly smooth for a mechanic only used in one segment of the game.

Metal Gear Solid 2: How to Get the Nikita

The Nikita is a vital tool for rescuing the President in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and can be found in the depths of Shell-2 Core.

When Do Players Get The High-Frequency Blade?

Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden With HF Blade

Players have to go through a significant chunk of the story before having access to the HF Blade. Play all the way through the Big Shell as Raiden and eventually, he is brought onto Arsenal Gear in captivity. Once they are freed, they sneak around the facility naked.

Once outside of the torture room, there is a big hall with Tengu Soldiers. The exit of this room is on the second level in the northeast corner. Once in here run around and answer the calls from the Colonel until Snake eventually finds Raiden.

Attacking With The Blade

Now that the blade is in hand, here are all the tips to know about it.

  • The blade's movement is controlled with the right analog stick
  • Move the right analog stick and down to swing the blade up and down
  • Move the right analog stick left and right to swing the blade to the left and right
  • Make a circle with the right analog stick to do a 360-degree swipe with the blade
  • Press the right analog stick in to do an impaling motion, instantly killing most enemies

Deflecting Bullets

Metal Gear Solid 2 Raiden getting shot

Hold in the left bumper (L1 on PlayStation consoles) to put up a defensive stance. Here, most bullets will be deflected by the blade. However, shotgun blasts will still knock Raiden down and the enemy can still hurt him with a melee attack.

Non-Lethal Mode

Press the weapon button (square on PlayStation) to switch to a non-lethal mode (indicated by the icon being blue in the weapon box). However, the impaling motion (clicking in the right analog stick) will still be lethal. This is vital to understand for anybody doing a non-lethal run.

Last Details About The High-Frequency Blade

Raiden Running with HF blade

Equipping and unequipping the HF Blade triggers an animation, leaving Raiden momentarily vulnerable. Unfrotunately, There is no way to unlock the blade in new games to use in other parts of the story. However, the Ninja is a playable character in the VR missions and has a sword as a weapon.

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 1
Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Switch , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
October 24, 2023
Action , Stealth