While not all leaks have actually come true in the past, there have been some that many fans were excited about that later turned out to be. Now, it seems there is a possibility that a Men in Black video game in the works.

Earlier today, a Twitter account called Okami Games, which specializes in gaming news and rumors, tweeted a screenshot of a gaming listing off the EB Games website. In it, there is a concept image for a Men in Black PS5 game.

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The bottom left corner of the Men In Black game cover image also shows the logo for Bend Studio, the company responsible for Days Gone and Uncharted: Golden Abyss. Currently, there is no word from Bend Studio about whether or not this leak is true, and the original leaked listing for the game has been taken down from the EB Games website.

If the leak does happen to come true, this could spell out great things for the series. Men in Black needs a revival, and a new game could be a good start to something new. The last attempt to revive the franchise, Men in Black: International, wasn't met with the greatest of reviews and flopped at the box office. Sony's studio boss Tom Rothman stated that he believes this happened because the idea for the film wasn't strong enough.

However, Bend Studio could create that strong new idea the franchise needs in a video game platform. And there won't be a previous title to compare the game to since the last Men in Black game was all the way back in 2012. However, the only question is whether or not the game will take place during the original trilogy, the Men in Black: International movie, or a completely new setting. Some fans on Twitter have expressed that they won't be interested in the game unless Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones' characters are somehow involved in the game, so that should be considered.

If the Men in Black game does happen, many gamers hope the gameplay is similar to action titles such as the Hitman series or a third-person strategy type game like XCOM. As nice as it would be for this idea to come to life, it is important to remember that this is only a leak so far. Hopefully, Bend Studio can further clarify this possibility for fans in the near future.

A Men in Black game is rumored to be in development for PS5.

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