The defensive side of things in games has not always been given the spotlight, but in Meet Your Maker, it is the key difference between letting raiders run riot or punishing them for even having the thought of invading a well-designed outpost. The smart use of traps will ensure that a high price has to be paid for any transgressions.

Although it will take some time for players to get up to speed with both access and execution, it is recommended that they plan ahead and understand just what are the best traps and how to use them effectively in Meet Your Maker to rack up those kills and accolades.

RELATED: Meet Your Maker: Outpost Raiding Tips

Understanding Traps in Meet Your Maker

Before getting into the weeds about the death-dealing traps, it is helpful to know that traps generally come in two flavors in Meet Your Maker. They are either single-use affairs or are capable of multiple executions over time. This will factor into how trap combos can be implemented in any outpost.

As a general recommendation, it is usually more useful to have the latter type of trap when designing to keep raiders on their toes, but there will be situations where the former can be of much use.

Best Traps in Meet Your Maker & How to Use Them

Here are the best traps to consider when building an outpost, as well as some helpful tips on maximizing their efficiency as part of a trap combo:

Plasma Sentinel

The Plasma Sentinel trap from Meet Your Maker

A block that shoots out a plasma ball with a large area of effect, the initial damage is enhanced by the projectile sticking to the surface it hits, dealing damage over time. The continuous fire from the trap also keeps the pressure up, so having it facing a choke point will be ideal.

Iron Claw

The Iron Claw trap from Meet Your Maker

Need to position a foe in the right place for some righteous hurt? The Iron Claw does just that, grabbing a raider and drawing them toward the trap. By combining it with either a good complement of guards or a series of follow-up traps, the multi-use nature of the Iron Claw will keep the pain train chugging along just fine.

Bomb Ejector

The Bomb Ejector trap from Meet Your Maker

Although it is a single-use trap, triggering it will release several explosive bombs that travel a short distance before exploding. If the damage from the wide radius of the bomb does not get the raiders, the threat of it will keep them moving under pressure and hopefully into another trap like the Boltshot for a devious trap combo.

Death Piston

The Death Piston trap from Meet Your Maker

Any player who finds themselves triggering the Death Piston trap will be squashed instantly if there is a wall just next to them or pushed into the range of other killing machines that happen to be in the vicinity. While its constantly operating nature means the element of surprise is lost, it can also be used as a distraction to lure raiders into a false sense of security.


The Boltshot trap from Meet Your Maker

While the other traps are more concerned about the immediate danger, the Boltshot is all about range and keeping enemies at bay. Being able to fire from any direction gives the trap more possibilities to surprise opponents. Still, its single-use nature means strategic placement is more important in the grand scheme.

Meet Your Maker is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.