Meet Your Maker has recently been released across all platforms and has seen staggering success and fantastic reception. Thousands of players are enjoying the game and its features as they become familiar with the game's style of play. Created by the developers at Behavior Interactive, known for their work on Dead By Daylight, Meet Your Maker is a very innovative title that's made a big splash in the gaming community. Meet Your Maker incorporates numerous features from an assortment of different genres, such as tower defense, building simulators, and FPS shooters.

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Set in a post-apocalyptic hellscape, players are thrust into a world of death and destruction as they can choose to be Raiders or Builders. Builders forge pseudo-dungeons called Outposts filled with powerful enemies and a wide array of traps with ill intent in mind. Raiders invade these dungeons in search of GenMats, which they can use to upgrade themselves and unlock new equipment to better handle the horrors that player Builders create. Raiders are at the most at risk, and players will have to use every ounce of their skill and a bit of luck to survive the lairs awaiting them in Meet Your Maker. Here are some beginner tips for Raiders in Meet Your Maker to help survive the game's most treacherous bases.

5 Keep The Harvester Alive

meet your maker

The Harvester is a vital component in Meet Your Maker on both sides of the spectrum of Builder and Raider. The Harvester has a set path in every base from start to finish, which always leads to the GenMat's location.

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For Raiders, this is a great way to obtain the general direction of the GenMat, and players should use this advantage and keep the Harvester in play for as long as possible. Unfortunately, the Harvester doesn't have much in the survivability skill set, which makes it prone to being destroyed by triggered traps. Therefore, players should be cautious about following the Harvester too closely as Builders could foresee and plan for this action.

4 Take Your Time

meet your maker

Builder bases can be massive areas with winding paths and elevating levels that players will have to traverse thoroughly to discover the locations of the GenMat and then trek back through the maze to make it to freedom. All the while, Raiders will have to watch out for traps and enemies that could be waiting around every corner.

It's important to note that there are no time limits on bases and that rushing through and hoping for the best may not be the best option. Players should instead take their time and thoroughly explore the base to find their prize. It is easy to fill rushed when the weight of unknown danger increases with every twist and turn; players should be wary of their situations but not let it hinder them.

3 Two Is Better Than One

meet your maker

Player bases can range from reasonably difficult to completely overwhelming, and taking on these monstrous mechanisms solo can be an impossible task to accomplish. Luckily, players can invade builder bases in teams and increase the odds of their survival substantially.

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A second pair of eyes is invaluable when searching for traps to destroy and facing a small horde of enemies that seek to put an end to player advancement. In greater difficulties, playing as a team becomes absolutely necessary when the bases become even more dangerous with a much larger number of traps available to the Builder. Working together can also increase the rate where players can unlock new gear for their character.

2 Sacrifices Must Be Made

meet your maker

Builders can be incredibly crafty; truly skilled Builders can turn a simple hallway into a canyon of disaster that will have even the nimblest Raiders afraid to take a step forward. In some situations, Builders will have set-ups that have a zero chance at survival, which is where teams shine the most.

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A tactic that can be utilized in team composition for one team member biting the dust for the purpose of setting off hard-to-reach traps and clearing a path for their partner. When a task begins to take a toll and becomes too challenging, players can work together to turn the tide in their favor by throwing themselves to the wolves or the cause.

1 Don't Be Afraid To Die

meet your maker

With every moment in Meet Your Maker, a Raider could be struck down by an acid trap they didn't see or snuck up on by a spawning enemy they overlooked. This can quickly become frustrating as a player makes their way further and further into a base. However, players should take every death as a learning experience.

Commit trap locations to memory and plot a path using experience, correcting the path every time an unavoidable obstacle presents itself. Players can enter a dungeon as many times as they wish, and while death does provide the Builder with a constant flow of materials, a Raider only needs to succeed once.

Meet Your Maker is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam.

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