Meet Your Maker is an asymmetrical multiplayer shooter with an interesting twist. In Meet Your Maker, players create deadly outposts for one another to raid, and they raid other player’s outposts too. It’s a fresh concept that satisfies a variety of player types.

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Raiding can be very challenging in Meet Your Maker. Builders have incredible freedom to create some truly brutal outposts. Some outposts are nigh impossible deathtraps. Players have taken to calling these bases “Kill Boxes.” However, for every challenge there is a solution. Here are a few tips to help raiders survive even the deadliest outposts.

Pick a Speed


The traps and guards in outposts take a few seconds to activate. With the Grappling Hook, it’s possible to rush in and out of many outposts in record time. The Arc Barrier and Spike Drive are both good ideas for this method.

Alternatively, players can go slowly, sizing up every space carefully and peeking around every corner. This method works for most any outpost, but it can take a significant time investment. Bringing along a melee weapon is especially helpful for taking it slow since it’ll allow the player to conserve ammo. A Phoenix Pod is also a good idea, as it’ll save the player from losing many minutes of effort over a single mistake.

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How to Overcome Kill Boxes


One unfortunate side effect of the creative freedom afforded to builders is that they’re free to create Kill Boxes. A Kill Box is a room (usually where the GenMat is) that’s designed to be impossible to escape from. This usually involves densely packing the room with Incinerators, Death Pistons, Corrosive Cubes, and more in such a way that there is little room for escape.

Here are a few ways to overcome Kill Boxes:

  • Flash Barrier/Arc Barrier: These two items create a shield around the player for a set amount of time. Both will help the player when, for example, four Boltshots are fired at them as soon as they pick up the GenMat.
  • Stay Still: This won’t work for every Kill Box, but many rely on the player moving away from the GenMat immediately. Instead, use the barrier, stand still, and look for a safe zone. Move to that zone when the barrier drops and then methodically expand that zone by destroying traps until the way is clear.
  • Grenades: After dying to the Kill Box once, look around to identify the most problematic traps. Next time, drop a grenade to eliminate those traps.
  • Run Like Hell: If staying still won’t work for a Kill Box, run like hell instead. Use the Grappling Hook and Spike Drive to blast through the obstacles in a mad dash.
  • Just Don’t:Builders receive rewards based on kills alone. Repeated attempts just give them more resources to make it all the more unplayable. Try a different outpost instead.

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Buy Everything


In Meet Your Makerevery device, weapon, and suit upgrade is especially helpful for certain situations and builds. Generally, outposts can be completed with any build, but there are quite a few that all but require specific equipment. Players are better off buying all the equipment available so that when the going gets tough, they have options. The Flash Barrier, Arc Barrier, and Phoenix Pod are especially helpful for getting through tough outposts.

Meet Your Maker is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Meet Your Maker: Materials and Progression Explained