In Meet Your Maker, players take on the role of raiders dead-set on stealing Genetic Material from other raiders’ outposts. However, in Meet Your Maker, players are the raiders and the builders. Players can construct multiple outposts to confound and kill visiting raiders. When they do, they’ll earn materials they can use for their own upgrades.

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Making a few deadly outposts is a great way to acquire resources even while not playing. That said, raiders know their business. They’re suited up and ready for whatever the outpost can throw at them. Here are a few tips for building an outpost that can stymie even the worthiest raiders.

Use Unpredictable Geometry

unusual geometry

Keep raiders guessing with unusual, unpredictable changes in floor pattern and wall geometry. There must be a path for the Harvester, but that path doesn’t need to be on flat, even surfaces. Use ramps and other angles to create a circuitous route rather than a simple one.

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Use Traps in Combination

combining traps

Meet Your Maker offers a generous selection of traps. Some are predictable classics while others are new and unusual. All of them are better when used in conjunction with one another. Here are two examples of deadly trap combinations:

  • Rope a Dope: Place an Iron Claw inconspicuously between any two lethal traps. If the raider goes to destroy one trap, the claw will bring them into position to be hit by the other one.
  • Eye Don’t Think So: Place three Plasma Sentinels around a doorway and an Impaler in the ceiling behind them. It’ll require precise timing to get through the Sentinels, and the raider may be too busy rushing through to notice the Impaler on the other side.

Remove Unnecessary Blocks

removing blocks

When a Burial Site is first unlocked, it includes a certain number of randomly-placed blocks. These count against the build capacity, so they should be removed. Builders can also remove any blocks that aren’t part of the walls or ceilings. Blocks can float freely after they’re placed.

Augment Guards

augmenting guards

All the guards are useful in their default state, but augments significantly enhance their deadliness. Every guard can have up to two active augments. Here are a few clever combinations:

  • Enforcer with Dead Man’s Switch to create a moving, shooting expendable explosive.
  • Hornet with Plating for armor and Adrenal Converter for movement speed.
  • Warmonger with Plating for armor and Reflex Manipulation for attack speed.

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